Antoine Caron

Antoine Caron

Antoine Caron was a French master glassmaker, illustrator, Northern Mannerist painter and a product of the School of Fontainebleau. He is one of the few French painters of his time who had a pronounced artistic personality.

Antoine Caron People (First 11 people) - Page 0

Frantz Rey

Frantz Rey

Céline Gerst

Céline Gerst

Kate Clayton

Kate Clayton

Michèle Forest

Michèle Forest

David Beme

David Beme

Anne Jochum

Anne Jochum

Jacqueline Damien

Jacqueline Damien

Nathalie Delhomme

Nathalie Delhomme

Marie-Dominique Arignon

Marie-Dominique Arignon

Nicolas Lemaire

Nicolas Lemaire

Guy-Claude Agboton

Guy-Claude Agboton