Blo-bzaṅ-chos-kyi-ñi-ma (Thuʼu-bkwan III)

Blo-bzaṅ-chos-kyi-ñi-ma (Thuʼu-bkwan III)

Thuken Losang Chokyi Nyima (1737-1802) was among the most cosmopolitan and prolific Tibetan Buddhist masters of the late eighteenth century. Hailing from the "melting pot" region of Amdo, he was Mongol by heritage, and educated in Gelukpa monasteries. . . .

Blo Bza Chos Kyi Ni Ma Thu U Bkwan Iii People (First 2 people) - Page 0

G. Pu̇rėvsu̇rėn

G. Pu̇rėvsu̇rėn


Dorzhsu̇rėngiĭn Bu̇rnėė

Dorzhsu̇rėngiĭn Bu̇rnėė