Member Of The French National Assembly People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Dominique David

Dominique David

Member of the French National Assembly

Philippe Chassaing

Philippe Chassaing

Member of the French National Assembly

Laurence Dumont

Laurence Dumont

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

JeanFrançois Parigi

JeanFrançois Parigi

Member of the French National Assembly

Lionel Causse

Lionel Causse

Member of the National Assembly of France

JeanLouis Thiériot

JeanLouis Thiériot

Member of the French National Assembly

Michel Delpon

Michel Delpon

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Marc Delatte

Marc Delatte

Member of the French National Assembly

Aina Kuric

Aina Kuric

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Sandra Marsaud

Sandra Marsaud

Member of the French National Assembly

Richard Lioger

Richard Lioger

Member of the National Assembly of France

JeanPhilippe Ardouin

JeanPhilippe Ardouin

Member of the French National Assembly

Hervé Pellois

Hervé Pellois

Former Mayor of Saint-Avé

Patricia Lemoine

Patricia Lemoine

Member of the French National Assembly

JeanMichel Jacques

JeanMichel Jacques

Member of the French National Assembly

M'jid El Guerrab

M'jid El Guerrab

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Jimmy Pahun

Jimmy Pahun

Member of the National Assembly of France

Gwendal Rouillard

Gwendal Rouillard

Member of the National Assembly of France

Alexandre Holroyd

Alexandre Holroyd

Member of the French National Assembly

Célia de Lavergne

Célia de Lavergne

Member of the National Assembly of France

Frédéric Petit

Frédéric Petit

Member of the National Assembly of France

Ramlati Ali

Ramlati Ali

Member of the French National Assembly

Lénaïck Adam

Lénaïck Adam

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Agnès Thill

Agnès Thill

Member of the French National Assembly

Mansour Kamardine

Mansour Kamardine

Member of the National Assembly of France

JeanMichel Mis

JeanMichel Mis

Member of the French National Assembly

Loïc Prud'homme

Loïc Prud'homme

Member of the French National Assembly

Fabrice Le Vigoureux

Fabrice Le Vigoureux

Member of the French National Assembly

Michèle de Vaucouleurs

Michèle de Vaucouleurs

Member of the French National Assembly

Mireille Clapot

Mireille Clapot

Member of the National Assembly of France

Anthony Cellier

Anthony Cellier

Member of the National Assembly of France

Philippe Berta

Philippe Berta

Member of the French National Assembly

Huguette Tiegna

Huguette Tiegna

Member of the French National Assembly

Véronique Riotton

Véronique Riotton

Member of the French National Assembly

Mickaël Nogal

Mickaël Nogal

Former Member of the National Assembly of France

Marianne Dubois

Marianne Dubois

Member of the National Assembly of France

JeanPierre Door

JeanPierre Door

Member of the French National Assembly

Élisabeth ToututPicard

Élisabeth ToututPicard

Member of the French National Assembly

Christophe Arend

Christophe Arend

Member of the French National Assembly

Stéphane Peu

Stéphane Peu

Member of the National Assembly of France

Benoît Simian

Benoît Simian

Member of the French National Assembly

Sophie Mette

Sophie Mette

Member of the National Assembly of France

Gabriel Serville

Gabriel Serville

President of the Assembly of French Guiana

Michel Lauzzana

Michel Lauzzana

Member of the French National Assembly

Alexandre Freschi

Alexandre Freschi

Member of the French National Assembly

Elsa Faucillon

Elsa Faucillon

Member of the National Assembly of France

Alain David

Alain David


Serge Letchimy

Serge Letchimy

President of the Executive Council of Martinique

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