1972 People (First 49 people) - Page 1

The Book of Skulls

The Book of Skulls

Novel by Robert Silverberg

Dead Skip

Dead Skip

Book by Joe Gores

Aircraft structures for engineering students

Aircraft structures for engineering students

Book by T. H. G. Megson

Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Essay by Peter Singer

San Domingo, The Medicine Hat Stallion

San Domingo, The Medicine Hat Stallion

Book by Marguerite Henry

Moments of Being

Moments of Being

Book by Virginia Woolf

Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions,

Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions,

Book by Charles Bukowski

My Name Is Asher Lev

My Name Is Asher Lev

Novel by Chaim Potok

Captive of Gor

Captive of Gor

Book by John Norman

Bakunin on Anarchy

Bakunin on Anarchy

Book by Mikhail Bakunin

Bereavement; studies of grief in adult life

Bereavement; studies of grief in adult life

Book by Colin Murray Parkes

Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight

Dynamics of Atmospheric Flight

Book by Bernard Etkin

Evidence That Demands a Verdict

Evidence That Demands a Verdict

Book by Josh McDowell

Fugue for a Darkening Island

Fugue for a Darkening Island

Novel by Christopher Priest

Gravitation and cosmology: principles and

Gravitation and cosmology: principles and

Book by Steven Weinberg

James Beard's American Cookery

James Beard's American Cookery

Book by James Beard

El oro de los tigres

El oro de los tigres

Book by Jorge Luis Borges

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution

Book by Robert Atkins

Learning from Las Vegas

Learning from Las Vegas

Book by Denise Scott Brown, Robert Venturi, and Steven Izenour

Lloyd's Introduction to jurisprudence

Lloyd's Introduction to jurisprudence

Textbook by Michael D. A. Freeman

Gravitation and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity

Gravitation and cosmology: principles and applications of the general theory of relativity

Book by Steven Weinberg

A concise introduction to logic

A concise introduction to logic

Book by Patrick J. Hurley

history of world theater

history of world theater

Book by Margot Berthold

Modern capitalism and other essays

Modern capitalism and other essays

Book by Paul Sweezy

Mother camp

Mother camp

Book by Esther Newton

Parties, Politics, And Public Policy in . . .

Parties, Politics, And Public Policy in . . .

Book by Marc J. Hetherington and William J. Keefe

Perfect cooking

Perfect cooking

Book by Marguerite Patten



Book by Charles Jencks

Caves of God

Caves of God

Book by Spiro Kostof

Aspects of Motion Perception

Aspects of Motion Perception

Book by Paul A. Kolers

Design of concrete structures

Design of concrete structures

Book by Arthur H. Nilson

Engineering Drawing Practice

Engineering Drawing Practice

Book by BSI

Englishmen and Irish Troubles: British Public . . .

Englishmen and Irish Troubles: British Public . . .

Book by D. G. Boyce

New Dimensions II

New Dimensions II


Recipes for Diabetics

Recipes for Diabetics

Book by Billie Little

Simca's cuisine

Simca's cuisine

Book by Simone Beck

The Carolina gold rush

The Carolina gold rush

Book by Bruce Roberts

The thematic apperception test

The thematic apperception test

Book by Silvan Tomkins

Anxiety: Current Trends in Theory and Research

Anxiety: Current Trends in Theory and Research


Print Reading for Industry/Instructor's Guide

Print Reading for Industry/Instructor's Guide

Textbook by Walter Creighton Brown

Unimolecular reactions

Unimolecular reactions

Book by P. J. Robinson

The Chemistry of Mood, Motivation, and Memory: The Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference on the Chemistry of Mood, Motivation, and Memory Held at the University of California, San Francisco, in October 1971

The Chemistry of Mood, Motivation, and Memory: The Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Conference on the Chemistry of Mood, Motivation, and Memory Held at the University of California, San Francisco, in October 1971


Fundamentals of the fungi

Fundamentals of the fungi

Book by Elizabeth Moore-Landecker

Statistical Analysis: A Computer Oriented Approach

Statistical Analysis: A Computer Oriented Approach

Book by Abdelmonem Abdelaziz Afifi and S. P. Azen

Physical Methods

Physical Methods


The Joy of Boogie and Blues

The Joy of Boogie and Blues


The Joy of First-year Piano: A Method and Repertory for the Beginning Pianist

The Joy of First-year Piano: A Method and Repertory for the Beginning Pianist


Witches, Midwives, and Nurses

Witches, Midwives, and Nurses

Book by Barbara Ehrenreich

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