People S Party For Freedom And Democracy People (First 49 people) - Page 2

Clemens Cornielje

Clemens Cornielje

Former King's Commissioner of Gelderland

Arno Brok

Arno Brok

Dutch politician

Uri Rosenthal

Uri Rosenthal

Former Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

Anne Mulder

Anne Mulder

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Jeroen van Wijngaarden

Jeroen van Wijngaarden

Dutch Politician

Bas van 't Wout

Bas van 't Wout

Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Foort van Oosten

Foort van Oosten

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Aukje de Vries

Aukje de Vries

State Secretary for Finance of the Netherlands

André Bosman

André Bosman

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Frank de Grave

Frank de Grave

Member of the Council of State of the Netherlands

Liesje Schreinemacher

Liesje Schreinemacher

Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands

Ed Nijpels

Ed Nijpels

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Henry Keizer

Henry Keizer

Dutch businessman

Alexander Sakkers

Alexander Sakkers

Former Mayor of Eindhoven

Annette Nijs

Annette Nijs

Dutch Politician

catharina rinzema

catharina rinzema

Member of the European Parliament

Dany Tuijnman

Dany Tuijnman

Dutch politician

Dick Dees

Dick Dees

Former State Secretary for Welfare, Health and Culture of Netherlands

Henk van Hoof

Henk van Hoof

Former State Secretary for Defence of Netherlands

Charlie Aptroot

Charlie Aptroot

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Gerard Wallis de Vries

Gerard Wallis de Vries

Dutch politician

Ineke Dezentjé HammingBluemink

Ineke Dezentjé HammingBluemink

Dutch Politician

Janneke SnijderHazelhoff

Janneke SnijderHazelhoff

Dutch farmer

Elly Plooijvan Gorsel

Elly Plooijvan Gorsel

Member of Parliament

Leendert de Lange

Leendert de Lange

Mayor of Wassenaar

Mart van de Ven

Mart van de Ven

Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

Ankie Broekers-Knol

Ankie Broekers-Knol

Former President of the Senate of the Netherlands

Helmi Huijbregts-Schiedon

Helmi Huijbregts-Schiedon

Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

Anne-Wil Duthler

Anne-Wil Duthler

Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

Nell Ginjaar-Maas

Nell Ginjaar-Maas

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Reina de Bruijn-Wezeman

Reina de Bruijn-Wezeman

Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

René Leegte

René Leegte

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Roel Wever

Roel Wever

Mayor of Heerlen

Annelien Kappeyne van de Coppello

Annelien Kappeyne van de Coppello

Former State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment of the Netherlands

Els Veder-Smit

Els Veder-Smit

Dutch politician

Tanja Klip-Martin

Tanja Klip-Martin

Member of the Senate of the Netherlands

Willem den Toom

Willem den Toom

Dutch politician

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert

Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert

Former Minister of Defence of the Netherlands

Jules Maaten

Jules Maaten

Regional Director of the European Dialogue (EU) project of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation

Sophie Hermans

Sophie Hermans

Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius

Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius

Minister of Justice and Security of the Netherlands

Eegje Schoo

Eegje Schoo

Dutch politician

Henk Koning

Henk Koning

Former State Secretary for Finance of the Netherlands

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink

Ineke Dezentjé Hamming-Bluemink

Dutch Politician

Janneke Snijder-Hazelhoff

Janneke Snijder-Hazelhoff

Dutch farmer

Elly Plooij-van Gorsel

Elly Plooij-van Gorsel

Member of Parliament

Mirjam A. De Blécourt (Mirjam de Blécourt)

Mirjam A. De Blécourt (Mirjam de Blécourt)

Dutch lawyer

Ybeltje Berckmoes-Duindam

Ybeltje Berckmoes-Duindam

Former Member of the House of Representatives of the Netherlands

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