1995 photograph


About 1995

1995 is a French rap band founded in 2008 in the southern part of Paris as P.O.S. The name was changed to "1995" in 2010 in reference to the year 1995, considered a "golden year" for French rap. The six-member group is composed of 5 rappers and one producer all coming from the 14th and 15th arrondissements in Paris.

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Is the UK getting hotter, and what causes heatwaves?

Is the UK getting hotter, and what causes heatwaves?
Jun 17,2022 6:30 am

... The summer of 2018 was the UK s second-warmest - shared with 1995 - since 1884...

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Is the UK getting hotter, and what causes heatwaves?

Apr 18,2020 11:22 pm

After several days of warm weather, parts of The UK are preparing for The hottest day of The year So Far .

Temperatures are forecast to reach 34C (93. 2F) in south-east England on Friday, as Hot Air spreads up from Spain, Portugal and North Africa .

Experts have said it's rare to see these high temperatures at this point in June.

Is The UK getting hotter?

Yes, Britain has been slowly getting warmer since The 19Th Century . In The Past three decades, The .

The 10 hottest years since 1884 have all happened since 2002. And none of The coldest years has been recorded This Century .

In 2019, Cambridge saw The hottest temperature ever captured in The UK: 38. 7C.

The summer of 2018 was The UK's second-warmest - Shared with 1995 - since 1884. The hottest was in 1976.

When does hot weather become a heatwave?

A heatwave is a period of hot weather where temperatures are higher than is expected for The Time of year.

In The UK, The Met Office declares a heatwave When it records at least Three Days in a row with maximum temperatures exceeding a set temperature.

That threshold varies by county.

Heatwaves usually happen in summer When High Pressure develops over an area.

They can also bring so-called " tropical nights" - When night-time temperatures fail to drop below 20C.

That can make it hard to sleep at night and The Body can suffer, as it fails to sufficiently cool down.

The Met Office says it's not clear whether heatwaves are becoming more frequent because of their sporadic nature.

Why are we seeing these changes?

Climate Change is. Greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, released into Earth's atmosphere in large volumes are trapping The Sun 's heat, causing The Planet to warm.

This has brought more Extreme Weather , including record-breaking high temperatures across The World .

Periods of intense heat do occur within natural weather patterns, they are becoming more frequent, more intense and are lasting longer as a result of Global Warming .

In The UK, that summers like 2018 are 30 times more likely now than before The Industrial Revolution - The Point When humans starting producing The emissions.

A found that recent years have seen both higher maximum temperatures and longer warm spells.

That trend is predicted to continue. It's possible that by 2100,

Is hot weather dangerous?

Hot weather can be dangerous particularly for The vulnerable, including elderly people, children and people with underlying health conditions.

Spending too much Time In high temperatures or in The Sun , such as heat stroke and cardiovascular failure.

There are also indirect effects like poorer Mental Health and an increase in accidents such as car crashes and drownings.

In August 2003, 20,000 people died following a heatwave in Europe lasting 10 days,

The Higher death rate starts to Kick In once The thermometer passes 25C-26C.

How do you Keep Cool When it's hot?

Where possible, you should modify your routine and behaviour to adapt to The Heat .

If you can, travel in The Morning or evening When temperatures are lower.

Wear and a hat if you are going to spend Time In The Sun .

Source of news: bbc.com

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