About 8th Century
The 8th century is the period from 701 to 800 in accordance with the Julian calendar. The coast of North Africa and the Iberian Peninsula quickly come under Islamic Arab domination.
'Remarkable' 1,400-year-old possible temple found near Sutton Hoo

Nov 22,2023 6:21 pm
... The Venerable Bede mentioned the " king s village" at " Rendlaesham" in his 8Th Century book An Ecclesiastical History of the English People...
China: Human Rights Watch accuses Beijing of closing and destroying mosques

Nov 22,2023 12:51 am
... The Huis are descended from Muslims who arrived in China in the 8Th Century during the Tang Dynasty...
Iraq: displays 2,800-year-old stone tablet returned by Italy

Jun 18,2023 5:40 pm
... In the late 8Th Century, the country s Bayt al-Hikmah [House of Wisdom ] was home to the largest library of books on science, art, maths, medicine and philosophy...
Jägermeister logo not to offend Christians, Swiss court rules

Feb 20,2020 6:29 am
Red Sea Diving Resort: The holiday village run by spies

Feb 16,2020 4:53 am