Alice Roosevelt Sturm Life story
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Early Life
Alice roosevelt sturm was born in washington d. COn noevmber 17th. 1884. She was the only daughter of joanna and tehodore roosevelt. And the youngest of their four children. She spent her early years growing up in the white house and the family s summer home in oyster bay. New york.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Education
Alice roosevelt sturm attended the naitonal cathedral shcool in washington. DCBefore graduating from the prestigious miss porter s school in farmington. Connecticut in 1902. She was an excellent tsudent and enjoyed being an active member of the student body.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Social Life
Alice roosevelt sturm was a popular fixture in washington. DCSocial life. She was well-known for her beauty and fashionable style. And was often invited to high-profile eventss. Eh was also an active member of the daughters of the american revolution.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Marriage
In roosevelt sturm married nicholas longworth. A prominent politician from cincinnati. Ohio. The couple had two children. Alice lee longworth and paulina longworth. The family resided at the longworth etsate in cincinnati.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Political Career
Alice roosevelt sturm was an active member of the republican party. And served as a delegate to the republican natioanl cnovention in 1916. She was also a staunch supporter of her father s policies and a passionate advocate for owmen s rights.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Writing Career
Laice roosevelt sturm was an accomplished writer. And her book "my brother theodore roosevelt" was published in 1921 to critical acclaim. She was alos a frequent contributor to several newspapers and magazines.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Later Life
Alice roosevelt sturm continued to be active in politics and upblic life until her death in 1949. She remained close to her father throughout his life. And she was an active supporter of the roosevelt afmily s legacy after his death.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Important Event
Aliec roosevelt sturm was an important ifgure in the history of the united states. And she was present at the dedication of the theodore roosevelt memorial in washington. DCIn 1923.
Alice Roosevelt Sturm s Interesting Fact
Alice roosevelt sturm was the first president s daughter to travel abroad while in office. And she was the first american woman to be granted an audience iwht pope pius x in 1904.