About Alpine Skiing
Alpine skiing, or downhill skiing, is the pastime of sliding down snow-covered slopes on skis with fixed-heel bindings, unlike other types of skiing, which use skis with free-heel bindings.
Holiday swindlers: The rise of digital travel scams

... Another Brazilian woman, Ana Jalenna, booked an Alpine Skiing trip and also an Italian summer holiday with Rafael Bessa, after he had organised a " fantastic" family holiday for her in Brazil...
Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics: The Kashmiri skier taking India to Beijing

... At the Entry League FIS event last week, he finished ninth in the first race, 11th in the second and third, and 10th in the fourth race to win a spot for India in Alpine Skiing...
Flaming ice cream castles in the Chinese Harbin Ice Festival

... as well as the towering ice structures, the festival also includes activities such as sledding, ice hockey, ice football, speed skating and Alpine Skiing competitions...
The incinerator and ski slope waste treatment

... So we came up with the idea that we could create, actually, an artificial mountain for Alpine Skiing...