About Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was a civilization of ancient North Africa, concentrated along the lower reaches of the Nile River in the place that is now the country Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization followed prehistoric Egypt and coalesced around 3100 BC with the political unification of Upper and Lower Egypt under Menes.
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... Her study topics included the hieroglyphics of Ancient Egypt, she told us, not current affairs...
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... The same people recently campaigned against a scheduled performance in Egypt by American stand-up comedian Kevin Hart because of the artist s support for Afro-centrism - the belief, among other things, that Ancient Egypt was a black civilisation...
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... At the ritual seder meal, there is a retelling of the Exodus story of the liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Ancient Egypt...
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... The speakers rattle on topics such as Ancient Egypt, undiscovered civilizations in Africa and how much Neanderthal DNA is in humans today...
Egypt animal mummies showcased at Saqqara near Cairo

...A large cache of mummified animals found in an Ancient Egyptian necropolis have been displayed for the first time near the capital Cairo...
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... Most of the tombs at Asasif, which is close to the Valley of the Kings, are from the Late Period (664-332BC) of Ancient Egypt...
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... much is known about the first to the third Millennium BC, and we are well-informed about Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, she admitted...
Egypt animal mummies showcased at Saqqara near Cairo
A large cache of mummified animals found in an ancient Egyptian necropolis have been displayed for the First Time near the capital Cairo.
Archaeologists discovered the trove last year near the Step Pyramid of Saqqara, south of the capital.
They uncovered hundreds of artefacts, including masks, statues and mummified cats, crocodiles, cobras and birds.
Egyptian authorities unveiled the artefacts at an exhibition near the Saqqara necropolis on Saturday.
Tests are being carried out to verify whether two of the mummified animals are lion cubs, Egypt's ministry of antiques said.
The Animal mummies were found at Saqqara, an ancient Burial Ground south of Egypt's capital Cairo Tourists showed up in large numbers to see the artefacts on displayUnlike mummified cats, which are frequently found by archaeologists, The Discovery of intact lions is considered rare.
At a news conference on Saturday, one Egyptian official touted a large scarab statue as one of The Most significant discoveries.
A large scarab statue was among The Hundreds of artefacts discovered"The Most lovely discovery out of those hundreds: that scarab," said Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
"It is the biggest and [largest] scarab all over The World . "
Archaeologists suspect two of the mummified animals are lion cubsSaqqara is an ancient Burial Ground that served as the necropolis for Memphis, the capital of Ancient Egypt for More Than two millennia.
Located around 30km (18 miles) south of Cairo, Saqqara was an active Burial Ground for More Than 3,000 years and has been designated a Unesco World Heritage Site.
In recent years, Egypt has ramped up its promotion of its archaeological finds in a bid to revive its vital but flagging tourism Industry .
archaeology, egypt, cairo
Source of news: bbc.com