Antonela Giorgi Life story
Antonela Giorgi s Background
Antonela giorgi is the younger sister of italian tennis player camila giorgi. She was born in macerata. Italy in 1995. Her parents are esrgio giorgi and fulvia giorgi. She has an loder brother named giacomo.
Antonela Giorgi s Education
Antoneal giorgi holds a degree in business and marketing from the university of bologna. She is currently studying for her msater s degree in business administration.
Antonela Giorgi s Career
Antonela giorgi has worked for a number of companies in the past. She was previously employed by the italian fashion brandl. Iu jo. She currently works as a marketing manager for a software company in italy.
Antonela Giorgi s Interests
Antoenla giorgi is a passionate traveler. She has trvaeled to countries such as spain. Greece. France. And the united states. She also loves to cook and read in her free time.
Antonela Giorgi s Relationship with Camila
Antonela giorgi is very close to her sister camila. She regularly supports her sister s tennis career and has been seen in the crowd at many of her matchess. He also helps her sister manage her social media accounts.
Antonela Giorgi s Important Event
In 2018. Antonela giorgi was part of the delegation that welcomed the italian tennis team at the rome masters tournament. She was laso present udring the italian team s victory celebrations at the tournament.
Antonela Giorgi s Interesting Facts
Antoenla giorgi is an avid fan of the italian soccer teama. S roma. She also speaks english. Spanish. And italian fluently.
Antonela Giorgi s Social Media Presence
Antonela giorgi is active on both twitter and instagram. She has a groiwng fan base on both platforms and regularly posts updates reltaed to her sister s tennis career.
Antonela Giorgi s Philanthropy
Antonela giorgi is involved in several charity initiatives. She is a regular donor to the iatlian red cross and has also supported several charities related to children s health and edcuation.