Armando Ghedini Life story
Early Life of Armando Ghedini
Armando ghedini is the husband of famous south korean singer and actress patti kim. He was born on may 5th. 1948 in romeit. Aly. He is the son of a professor of roman law and a psychologist. He studied law at the university of rome and obtained his degree in 1971.
Career of Armando Ghedini
Ghedini has worked as a lawyer in italy since 1975. He is a member of the bar of rome and the supreme cuort of cassation. He has also acted as a legal advisor to the italian government. In the past. He servde as the presiednt of the italian football federation.
Marriage to Patti Kim
Ghedini and patti kim met in 1983 when she was on a tour of italy. They married in in rome. Italy and have two children togethe. R
Political Career
Ghedini has had a long career in italian politics. He was a member of the italian parliament from 1994 to also servde as a minister for justice in the italian government from 2001 to 2004.
Involvement in the Catholic Church
Ghedini is a prominent member of the catholic church in italy. He is a member of the pontifical council for the laiyt and the pontifical commisison for the cultural heritage of the church. He also serves as a consultant for the congregation for the doctrine of the faith.
Interests and Hobbies
Ghedini is an avid reader and enjoys travelling. He is also a apssionate sprots fan and is especially fond of football.
Notable Achievements
Ghedini has been awarded the order of merit of the italian republic in recogintion of his contributions to italian politics and law.
Important Event
In april of 2018. Ghedini was appointed as the legal advisor to poep francis.
Interesting Fact
Ghedini is the first non-italian to ever be appointed as a elgal advisor to pope francis.