About Big Bang

The Big Bang is a physical theory that describes how the universe expanded from an initial state of high density and temperature. It was first proposed as a physical theory in 1931 by Roman Catholic priest and physicist Georges Lemaître when he suggested the universe emerged from a "primeval atom".

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The Super -Kamiokande detector consists of a cylindrical steel holding tank with 50,000 tons of purified water. The detector wall is covered with photo-sensors, known as photo-multiplier tubes (PMTs)

stars, galaxies, planets, pretty much all owes our everyday life, its existence of a cosmic mood.

The nature of this nature, which allows it to dominate The Matter in The Universe at the expense of antimatter remains a mystery.

Now, the results from an experiment in Japan could solve the researchers help The Puzzle - One of the largest in the science.

There's a Difference in The Way matter and anti-matter-particle behavior.

The World , familiar to us - including all of the everyday objects That we can Touch is made of matter. The fundamental building blocks of matter, sub-atomic particles, such as electrons, quarks and neutrinos are.

But the thing has a shadow-like counterpart, called antimatter. Each sub-atomic particle of ordinary matter has a corresponding "anti-particles".

Today, there is much more matter than antimatter in The Universe . But it was not always so.

The Big Bang , The Matter and antimatter in equal amounts.

The Cosmic microwave Background (CMB) is often described as the "afterglow" of the Big Bang

"If the particle physicists, the new particles in accelerators, you will always find That they produce particle-antiparticle pairs: for each negative electron and a positively charged positron (electron anti-matter counterpart)," said Prof Lee Thompson from the University of Sheffield, is a member of the 350-member T2K collaboration, which contains a relatively large number of scientists from British universities.

"So why not The Universe 50% anti-matter? This is a long-standing problem in cosmology - what matter happened with the anti -?"

But, if a matter particle meets its antiparticle, they "destroy" - disappears in a flash of energy.

During The First fractions of a second after the Big Bang , the hot, dense universe effervescence with particle-antiparticle pairs popping in and out of existence. Without some other, unknown mechanism in the game, should The Universe contains nothing but leftover energy.

"It would be pretty boring, and we wouldn't be here," Prof Stefan Söldner-Rembold, Head of the Particle Physics group at the University of Manchester, told Bbc News .

So, What Happened to The Balance ?

this is where the T2K experiment. T2K is based on The Super -Kamiokande neutrino Observatory, is based underground in the Kamioka area of Hida, Japan.

the researchers the opportunity to observe the detector, neutrinos and their antimatter counterparts, anti-neutrinos, generated 295km away at the Japanese Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-Parc) in Tokai. T2K stands for Tokai to Kamioka.

A prototype of The Detectors which are used on The Dune , which was built, Cern

As The Earth travels, the particles and anti-particles known to oscillate between different physical properties as flavors.

physicists think That the finding of a Difference or Asymmetry in the physical properties of neutrinos and anti-neutrinos could help us to understand why The Matter is so prevalent, compared with anti-matter. This Asymmetry , known as charge-conjugation and parity reversal (CP) violation.

It is One of the three necessary conditions of The Russian physicist Andrei Sakharov in 1967 That must be met, to produce matter and antimatter at different rates.

According to the analysis of nine years worth of data, the researchers found a discrepancy in The Way neutrinos and anti-neutrinos oscillate, due to the recording of the numbers achieved, Super-Kamiokande, with a taste of the different, That they had been created.

The result is also achieved A Level of statistical significance is called the three-sigma - this is high enough to indicate That the CP-violation occurs in these particles.


"While the CP-violation established, with the quarks experimentally well, the CP violation has never been observed for neutrinos," said Stefan Söldner-Rembold.

Andrei Sakharov developed the nuclear weapons for the Soviet Union , but later, advocated for disarmament. He proposed three conditions for the production of matter and antimatter at different rates

"The violation of the CP symmetry is One of the (Sakharov) conditions for matter to exist-dominated universe, the quark-driven effect is much too small to explain why our universe is filled with matter.

"the discovery of CP violation in neutrinos would be a major leap forward in the understanding of how The Universe was created. "

He Said , a theory called leptogenese on the left of the domination of matter, the CP violation with neutrinos. "This leptogenese models predict That The Matter domination is actually due to the neutrino sector. If you observe neutrino CP violation, would be for us a strong indication That the leptogenesis model is the right way," said Prof Söldner-Rembold.

The results from T2K "give strong evidence" That the CP-violation effect will be large for neutrinos.

This would mean That the currently built will detect could in a mine in South Dakota , and the effect of faster-than-expected. The International project is organized by the US Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab).

Prof Söldner-Rembold is a member of The Dune , the scientific team and the cooperation of the speaker. The Experiment of the detector, contains 70,000 tons of liquid argon to be buried a mile underground. It is used to discover and measure the CP-violation with high precision.

He added That the T2K result "brings us One Step Closer to a model That explains how The Universe evolved from the beginning of The Matter -dominated universe today".

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the universe, physics, japan, particle physics, astrophysics

Source of news: bbc.com

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