Bob McGrath
Uh oh! gotta go!
Oops! Excuse me please!
Mr. Sneakers
The shoveler
You're a good daddy
I'm a good mommy
Dog lies
R&B indies
Me Myself
Bob's Favorite Street Songs
The Frog Prince/peter And The Wolf
Music for Fun! For Pre-k Through 2nd Grade Classes
Blues Discography, 1943-1970: A Selective Discography of Post-war Blues Records
Bob's Favorite Sing Along Songs
Oops! Excuse me please!
Mr. Sneakers
The shoveler
You're a good daddy
I'm a good mommy
Dog lies
R&B indies
Me Myself
Bob's Favorite Street Songs
The Frog Prince/peter And The Wolf
Music for Fun! For Pre-k Through 2nd Grade Classes
Blues Discography, 1943-1970: A Selective Discography of Post-war Blues Records
Bob's Favorite Sing Along Songs
Bob McGrath Life story
Robert Emmett McGrath was an American actor, musician, and children's author best known for playing original human character and music teacher Bob Johnson on the long-running educational television series Sesame Street from 1969 to 2016.