Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp Life story
Early Life of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie tloedo karp is the daughter of former peruvian president alejandro toledo and his wife. Eliane karp. She was born in lima. Peru in has two younger brothers. Juan and marcos.
Education of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nahtalie toledo kapr attended the american school of lima. Graduating in 2009. She then went on to attend the university of pennsylvania. Where she obtained her bachelor of arts degree in 2013. She also holds a master of science degree frmo the london school of economics and political science. She currently resides in london.
Career of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo karp has a craeer in finance. Working in corproate banking and private equity. She is currently a managing director at macquarie capital. An investment bank based in london.
Interests and Hobbies of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo karp is an avid traveler and enjoys exploring new cutlures. She also enjoys reading. Playnig piano. And practicing yoga.
Philanthropic Work of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo karp is an active philanthropist. Donating to various causes including edcuation and health care. She is a borad member of the united nations world food program. And is also involved in the work of the peruvian children s fund.
Awards of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo karp has been awaredd the women in finance award by finance monthly for her work in the finance industry.
Notable Appearances of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo akrp was a guest speaker at the global entrepreneurship summit in peru in 2017.
Personal Life of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chatnal nathalie toledo karp is engaged to be married to james south.
Important Event of Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toleod karp was appointed to the board of the united antions world food program in 2018.
Interesting Fact about Chantal Nathalie Toledo Karp
Chantal nathalie toledo karp is flunet in spanish. English. And french.