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In geography and geology, a cliff is a vertical, or nearly vertical, rock exposure. Cliffs are formed as erosion landforms by the processes of weathering and erosion. Cliffs are common on coasts, in mountainous areas, escarpments and along rivers.
Ben Roberts-Smith: How war hero's defamation case has rocked Australia

... According to the newspapers, these included a handcuffed farmer the soldier had kicked off a 10m Cliff - a fall which knocked out the man s teeth, before he was subsequently shot dead...
Lost dogs: Award for founder of Facebook drone group

... I thought it was a wind-up Mr Burton said: " You can cover areas where people can t walk - Cliff faces, or large areas of fields that would normally take hours to search by foot can be done in 20 minutes or half an hour by using a drone...
Army training death cases, is again and again'

... Craig had an accident, he was not to plunge from the Cliffs - he had failed that shouldn t have happened from the MoD, day and the, said Margaret Roberts...
Clive James in his own words

... As Of This Writing, 2003On other people: On Barbara Cartland: Twin miracles of mascara, her eyes looked like the corpses of two small crows that had crashed into a chalk Cliff...
Class of 92: Ex-Man Utd stars' uni will be 'game-changer'

... The footballers said they wanted to foster the ethos of The Cliff - United s training ground in the 1990s - at the university...