About Coffee Bean
A coffee bean is a seed of the Coffea plant and the source for coffee. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Just like ordinary cherries, the coffee fruit is also a so-called stone fruit.
Starbucks Vietnam: Why the US chain cannot crack a coffee-loving nation

... Another US chain, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, only has 15 stores here after 15 years...
The bean that could change the taste of coffee

... Arabica, the species Martin grows, accounts for the majority of Coffee Beans traded globally, some 70%...
Caffeine levels in High Street coffee varies hugely, testing found

... One factor that can impact caffeine content of drinks is the type of Coffee Bean...
A specialty coffee wave is brewing in India

... We had to convince them to sell us their export-quality Coffee Beans, " Mr Chitharanjan says...
Love Island: Lewis Capaldi ex and Rochelle Humes' sister line-up

... A beauty consultant, a policeman, a construction worker and a Coffee Bean seller are also part of the line-up...
Hundreds of fake McDonald's coffee stickers found in man's car

... Just pay for your coffee! West Yorkshire Police shared a picture of the fake stickers on Twitter McDonald s customers get a sticker with a Coffee Bean on it every time they purchase a coffee...