About Continental Shelf
A continental shelf is a portion of a continent that is submerged under an area of relatively shallow water known as a shelf sea. Much of the shelves were exposed during glacial periods and interglacial periods. The shelf surrounding an island is known as an insular shelf.
A23a: World's biggest iceberg on the move after 30 years

... The blocks keels mean they have a tendency to get pinned on the British Overseas Territory s shallow Continental Shelf...
Pisces III submersible: A dramatic underwater rescue

... " As we sank my biggest worry was whether we were anywhere near the Continental Shelf because if we hit it we d be crushed...
Hurricane Ian - Maps and images showing destruction

... If the coast has wide, shallow Continental Shelf, like the one along Florida s Gulf Coast, the surge can be much worse...
Ukraine war: Snake Island and battle for control of Black Sea

... Ukraine took control with the fall of the communism and eventually in 2009 the International Court of Justice drew up the island s territorial limits, giving Romania almost 80% of the Black Sea Continental Shelf near the island, and Ukraine the rest...
How will Tonga's broken internet cable be mended?

... Cables that run over a Continental Shelf have to be buried between one and two metres deep...