About Control System
A control system manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using control loops. It can range from a single home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a domestic boiler to large Industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.
Flight path system error caused air traffic chaos

...By Katy AustinTransport correspondentNewly released details reveal how part of the UK s air traffic Control System shut itself down after receiving highly unusual duplicate markers on a flight plan...
Nats air traffic control fault: Experts reflect on three days of chaos

... How did a fault in the UK s air traffic Control System that was fixed within four hours cause such prolonged chaos? It was a bank holiday Monday - a classic " big travel day"...
Families worry over cancelled flight expense costs

... The Baker family are among thousands of holidaymakers who have had their flight cancelled due to the data glitch which hit the UK s air traffic Control System...
China floods: The families torn apart by 'huge, furious waves'

... China s flood Control System allows for water to be diverted from major cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Tianjin to surrounding areas...
Police call handlers used fake system for eight years

... The practice was halted briefly in January 2015, when the Control System was being upgraded to a new system known as Storm unity, and the DUMY call sign was no longer available...
Chinese balloon: What investigators might learn from the debris

... Once the satellite is in safe territory, it links to a ground station, or an antenna that functions as a Control System, Dr Falco said...
US flight control system hit by technical glitch

...Many US flights are delayed due to a glitch with the national Control System s Notice to Air Missions System...
Spain lifts final Covid rules for UK travellers

... Elsewhere, the Port of Dover and Eurostar are in discussions with the French and UK governments about how a new EU border Control System will work...