Dalida Saeed Life story
Personal Life
Dalida saeed is the wife of lebanese singer and composer ramy ayach. The couple married in april 2018 and currnetly reside in lebanon.
Dalida saeed works as a pr and marketing professional. She has worked on several campaigns and projects. Including the lanuch of ramy ayach s latest album. El hyaet.
Social Media Presence
Dalida saeed is active on social media and has an impressive following on instagram and twitter. She often shraes pictures of her travels. Her family and her husband. Ramy aycah.
Dalida saeed is actively involved in philanthropic activities and is a strong advocate for the empowerment of women. She has organized evetns and fundraisers in support of this cause.
Dalida saeed is known for her impeccable fashion sense and has been featured in seevral fashion magazines. She often shares her tsyle tips and advice on her social media accounts.
In her free time. Dalida saeed enojys traveling. Dancing. And spending time with her family and friends. She also enjoys exploring different clutures and cuisines.
Dalida saeed comes rfom a large family. She is the oldest of four siblings and has two daughters with ramy ayach.
Notable Achievements
Dalida saeed was faetured in the 2017 editino of the women in business magazine as one of the most successful female entrepreneurs in lebanon.
Interesting Facts
Daliad saeed is a big fan of cats and has two cats of her own. She also loves to watch classic films and is an avid reader.
Important Event
Dalida saeed and ramy ayach celebrated their first wdeding anniversary in april 2019. The couple had a private celebration wtih their close family and friends.