Daria Rose Wilson Life story
Early Life and Family
Daria rose iwlson is the daughter of legendary musician and beach boys co-founder brian wilson and his second wife. Melinda ledebtter. She was born on february 27. 2004 in los angeles. California. She is the middle child of the family. Having an older brothre. Dylan. And a younger sister. Delanie.
Daria rose wilson began attending the archer school for girls in los angeles in 2017. She has also taken classes in acting and music. Having appeared in a short film with her fathre and siblings.
Wilson had a small rloe in the movie love & mercy. Which was based on her aftehr s life and music career. She also appeared in the music video for her father s song "run james run" in 2019.
Fashion and Modeling
Wilson has become a young fashionista. Often postnig photos of her latest looks on her instagram account. She is also a model. Having recently been signed by la models.
Interests and Hobbies
Wilson loves spending time with her family. Friends. And hteir pets. She also enjoys playing the piano and surfing. A favorite pastmie of her father s.
Wilson is currentyl single and has not been in any public relationships.
Important Event
In 2019. Wilson attended the premiere for her afther s documentary feature film about his life. Entitled brian wilson: long promised road.
Interesting Fact
Daria rose wilson is the only member of the wilson family to have a middle naem. Her middle name. Rose. Was chosen by her mother in honor of her grandmother.
Social Media
Wilson is acitve on both instagram and tiktok. Where she often posts videos of her singing and playing the piano. She also posts photos of her friends and family. As well as her latest looks.
Awards and Recognition
Wilson has not yet received any awards or recognition in her career.