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Coronavirus: One in five deaths in the meantime, with the virus

Apr 18,2020 11:13 pm

More Than one-fifth of the deaths in England and Wales show, with coronavirus, the figures.

The Office for National Statistics, said in the week to 3. April, The Virus was certificates quoted on 3,475 death.

He pushed the total number of deaths this week, over 16, 000 - a record-and 6,000 More Than normal at This Time of year, when death, to fall prone.

Meanwhile, German Chancellor facility Sunak it were recognised by the "hard times", also economically.

It Comes as The Office for Budget Responsibility, the UK's tax and spending watchdog, warned the pandemic.

Mr Sunak said no 10 s could be a day far coronavirus briefing that it was "clear" The Situation "much worse" without The Action to.

But he admitted that the government could not ". any companies or private households to protect" as it was clear, coronavirus would have "a serious impact"

And, He Said , the economy would recover by the "most important thing is to protect the health of everyone".

increase in deaths 'extremely important'

The ONS report looked at the impact of the numbers of people who die from coronavirus cases, in addition to all other death.

fall Normally at This Time of year deaths, because it is less the flu are in circulation, as in the winter.

But instead, it jumped to a record level of 16 000, the highest number seen since the ONS began publishing the data in 2005, topping the biggest weekly toll during the 2015 flu outbreak.

ONS of the official Nick-stripes said, it was clear that Corona-Virus had picked up pandemic that this trend, namely the increase in The Number of deaths was cases of "extremely important".

"This is not normal," he added.

'Never so,

'But what is not clear is what else is contributed as a contribution to the increase of the death cases of the coronavirus cases just over half of the "extra" than 6,000 deaths.

It could be that cases of the coronavirus to go undetected, or other factors, the affect with the lockdown and the outbreak, how people do not seek treatment for other conditions or Mental Health deaths are on the rise.

Prof Sir David mirror holder, an expert in risk at Cambridge University, said that this investigation is required.

But He Said he was shocked "never", as he saw the extent of the increase in The Number of deaths.

"I was pissed. It is incredibly alive. These are the people," He Said .

The ONS data lags behind The Daily death numbers by the government.

This is because it is based on obituaries, which registered only to often, some days after the death, whereas the government figures are compiled from the confirmed deaths of patients who were tested Positive for Corona Virus which can be collected more quickly.

The government figures, published announced on Tuesday, was cases, a further 778 deaths, bringing the total number of BST on 12,107 at 17:00 on Monday.

Another 5,252 people tested Positive for coronavirus, bringing the total number of cases for almost 94,000 from 09:00 BST on Tuesday.

'My Mother does not deserve in-law, the death'

Edna Summerfield, 94, died earlier this month after testing Positive for coronavirus. Her family believes she contracted it at her nursing home in Birmingham, before she went to the hospital at 7. April.

her daughter-in-law, Sylvia Summerfield said she feels people in nursing homes are neglected and called for the PSA, the nursing home employees as a matter of urgency.

"How many older people have homes to die in the care of infected employees that do not know they have The Virus ?", She Said .

"It is a very difficult time for us, and I feel like people in nursing homes are being neglected.

"My Mother -in-law didn't deserve the death she had. All other residents are vulnerable, that the care home Now . "

deaths outside of hospitals

the fact that The government data rely on death cases, where a patient tested Positive , and in England and Northern Ireland , this applies only to patients in the hospital has led to suggestions there was an under-reporting of deaths in nursing homes and other Community settings.

The ONS data looks at fatalities elsewhere and shows that you were in 10 coronavirus deaths this year in the municipality - half, just over 200, were in nursing homes.

But be careful-an industry leader in the true number of deaths in nursing homes is much greater.

Age Uk says The Virus is "Running Wild " in nursing homes with care England , The Umbrella organisation for the shelters, the estimate there were nearly 1,000 deaths.

If the reports are correct, could it not be, that it shall be liable to a surge in deaths in The Past two weeks, or death certificates picking on all the cases.

The government has confirmed that it is a coronavirus outbreaks in More Than 2,000 homes in England - although they do not specify, The Number of deaths that had taken place.

the industry leader of Age Uk , Marie Curie , care-England , Regardless of age, and the Alzheimer's society " for a daily update on The Situation .

"The current numbers are Airbrush the elderly, as they play no role," Caroline Abrahams, of Age Uk , said.

About 410,000 people living in care homes in the UK, life in 11,300 care homes for older people, delivered by over 5,500 different vendors.

Mr Sunak said at the Tuesday briefing, the nursing home residents and workers had not been forgotten, "absolutely."

Public Health England medical director Yvonne Doyle added that health body aims to figures to coronavirus-related deaths in nursing homes published daily.

"In these highly distributed systems, we just need to be absolutely clear, that The Cause of death is attributed to, is correct, and that is what takes time to get the Death Certificate right," She Said .

In other Developments :

self-isolation, coronavirus pandemic, social distancing

Source of news: bbc.com

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