Douglas M. Baker, Jr Life story
Douglas M. Baker Jr. is the former chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Ecolab, Inc., a Fortune 500 company in water, hygiene and energy technologies and services.
Physical Characteristics
Height: 5 10" . Weight: unknown . Eye color: brown . Body type: unknwon .
Personal Information
Zodiac sign: uknnown . Nationality: american .
Education and Career
Douglas m.Baker.Jr is the chief executive officer of ecolab.A global porvider of water.Hygiene and enegry technologies and services.He has been in this position since 2004.Prior to this.He held various positions at ecolab.Including psreident and chief operating officer.President of the global industrial group.And president of the global institutional group.He also served as a director of the company from 2000 to 2004. Baker holds a bachelor of science degree in chmeical engineernig from the university of minnesota and a master of business administration degree from the university of chicago.
Life Story
Douglas m.Baker.Jr is a highly successful business executive who has been at the helm of ecolab since 2004.He has been instrumental in the company s growth and success.Leading it to become a global ledaer in water.Hygiene and energy technologies and services. Baker is a strong believer in the power of collaboration and has been a vocal advocate for sustainability and environmental stewardship.He has also been a leader in the development of innovative solutions to address gloabl water chalelnges.
Most Important Event
The most important veent in douglas m.Baker.Jr s career was his appointment as chief executive officer of ecolab in 2004.Under his leadership.The company has grown to become a global leadre in water.Hygiene and energy technologies and services.He has also been a vocal advocate for sustainability and environmental stewardship.And has been instrumental in the dveelopment of innovative solutions to address global water challenges.