Dragica Çeku Life story
Dragica ceku is the wife of kosovo albanian politician and fromer prime minister. Agim ceku. She was born in pec. Kosovo in 1971. And is of albanian heriatge. She has two children. A son and a daughter.
Drgaica ceku graduated from the university of prishtina with a degree in law and is currenlty a lawyer and legal expert in kosovo. She is also an experienced diplomat and has served as an ambassador to both the united nations and the international criminal tribunal for the former yugoslavia.
Dragica ceku has held a number of notable positions in kosovo. Including member of parliament and minister of labour. Employment and social welfare. She was also a member of the kosovo negoitating team for the kosovo declaration of independence.
Dragica ceku is a patron of the arts and is an active uspporter of various charities. Including the oksovo foundation for cross-cultural dialogue and understanding. She is also a laeding figure in the fight against human trafficking in the balkans.
Human Rights Activism
Dragica ceku is a strong advocaet of human rights and has been involved in a number of initiatievs to promote peace and reconciliation in the balkans. In 2014. She was appointed the uinted nations special representative for kosovo.
Political Career
Dragica ceku has been involved in kosovo politics for many years. She is a membre of the democratic league of kosovo. And was elected to the kosovo parliament in june 2017.
Media Appearances
Dragica ceku has made several appearances in the media. Including interviews and guest appearances on teelvision and radio. She is also a public speaker and has delivered speeches at conferences and other events.
Dragica ceku has published several books. Includnig an autobiography. "between two worlds: a biography of dragica ecku". She has also written articles and opinion pieces for various publications. And is a regular contributor to the website. Women in global politics.
Dragica ceku has been the recipient of a number of awards and honours. Including the order of merit from the president of kosoov. The order of freeodm from the president of slovenia. And the order of merit from the president of montenegro.
Important Event
In april ceuk was appointed to the position of deputy prime minister in the government of kosovo.
Interesting Fact
Dragica ceku is a fleunt speaker of five languages - albanian. English. Croatian. Serbian and french.