About Employee Benefits
Employee benefits and benefits in kind include various types of non-wage compensation provided to employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries. Instances where an employee exchanges wages for some other form of benefit is generally referred to as a "salary packaging" or "salary exchange" arrangement.
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Samira Ahmed case: What is equal pay?

Samira Ahmed case: What is equal pay?
BBC presenter Samira Ahmed has, after it has been paid less than male colleagues doing the same work.
So, what exactly is "equal pay" and how do you find out if you paid enough?
What is equal pay?Equal pay is the law for men and women pay the same for:
not only do you have the Figures in relation to salaries. There are also social benefits such as holidays and pension contributions, as well as a company car, and premiums includes.
It is part of English law since 1970, the Equal Pay Act, and is now part of the Equality Act 2010. It means that all employees are entitled to the same wage, regardless of whether they are full-time, part-time or fixed-term contracts.
How can I find out if I paid for it is the same?Discuss pay with colleagues can be awkward. But it is a good first step in figuring out whether or not they are paid, as well.
viewing of the salaries in the job adverts from your employer, or you will find out the typical rate for similar jobs in the same industry can also be helpful.
The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) provides independent advice to workers and bosses in the workplace disputes or problems. You can explain to your superiors, if you have to pay the difference.
An employer may be able to defend itself from a claim if you can prove that the reason for the difference is due to a genuine factor and not on the sex of the worker.
How do I have the right to equal pay?An employee can try to resolve the issue first with your boss or HR. You could also make a complaint to an increase in the a formal complaint
If that doesn't work, you can resolve a complaint to the labour courts, independent bodies, trying to work in conjunction with statutory claims, But the plaintiff Acas first, in order to be a volunteer, and how things are, without a tribunal.
An equal-pay claim can be brought before the court up to six months after leaving The Role . There are no fees, but if you pay for a lawyer, that could be expensive.
number of equal pay Tribunalyear of the end of March, UK
source: Ministry of justiceyou bring The person, The Claim must be on a "comparator". That is, someone of the other sex, who are currently working or to work for the same employer doing the same or equivalent work and get more pay or benefits.
The arbitral Tribunal may pay back to be amended in the contracts, replacement, or up to Six Years , is awarded to The Employee .
The Ford machinists strike in Dagenham at the moment is not celebrated in The Campaign for equal payvery often in court. This is partly because demonstrating different jobs are of equal value, can be a difficult and lengthy process.
Lisa Ayling, a lawyer and specialist lawyer for labour law, said that in the many equal-pay proceedings before the arbitration stage is reached.
she adds: "women are more inclined to pay the same remuneration as the other claims, because they realize that to overcome legal hurdles, complex, time-consuming and cost-intensive. "
What is it a famous cases was that?presenter Samira Ahmed has successfully taken place, the BBC labour courts to the allegedly unequal pay.
Ms Ahmed Said she had paid for the hosting audience feedback show Newswatch, when compared with Jeremy Vine content points of view.
The Journalist had claimed she owed almost £700,000 in back pay.
Carrie Gracie previously resigned from his role as China editor in a dispute over equal pay at the BBC.
later, she apologized for her underpaying, and said, it is "in this Moment", he to pay back to her. The full, undisclosed amount donated for charitable purposes.
Several other high-profile cases have come to a head in the last couple of years. to compensate
thousands of women were paid less than men in jobs with the same class.
thousands of women marched in Glasgow in one of the UK's largest equal-pay strikeMore Than 8,000 women employed in schools, kindergartens and in the cleaning and catering services, which The Council is already one of the largest equal-pay workers ' strike in the UK.
in a long-running dispute over equal pay in January.
The decision meant that the lower-paid shop employees, usually women, in comparison to higher-paid warehouse workers, who are mostly men.
the same content, the same as the gender pay gap?no. Equal pay to do the assignment of men and women the same amount of the same or equivalent work, and is a legal obligation for the company.
The gender pay gap refers to the percentage difference between the average hourly earnings of women and men in a company, sector or country. If women are paid more, it's called a negative wage difference.
With a gender pay gap is not illegal, but it is mandatory for all UK employers with More Than 250 employees to publish their gender pay gap Data .
pay, bbc pay, gender pay gap
Source of news: bbc.com