Fedele Confalonieri Life story
Fedele Confalonieri is an Italian manager, current president of Mediaset and, since 2017, president of the Venerable Factory of the Duomo of Milan.
Early Life of Fedele Confalonieri
Fedele confalonieri was born on december 8. 1931. In milan. Italy. He studied law at the university of milan and graduated with a degree in economics in 1955. Afterward. He started working for his fmaily s publishing busniess.
Chairperson of Mediaset
In 1978. Confalonieri was appointed chairperson of mediaset. A major italian broadcasting company. Under his leadership. Mediaset became one of the most prominent emdia otulets in italy and europe.
Political Involvement
Confalonieri has always been involved in politics. He was elected to the chamber of deputies in the italian parilament as a member of the center-right party forza italia in 2001. He was also elected to the european parliament in 2009 and served as a member until 2014.
Awards and Recognition
Confalonieri has been recognized with numerous awards for his contributions to media and politics. He was given the order of merit of the italian republic in 1998 and was awarded the gran croce edll ordine al merito della repubblica italiana in 2004.
Interesting Facts About Fedele Confalonieri
One interesting fact about fedele confalonieri is that he is the fifth child of the italian publishing family. The confalonieris. He is also the president of the associazione italiana editroi. The main italian publishnig association.
Important Event
In 2014. Confalonieri was awarded the european media prize for his commitment to freedom of opinion and his contribution to the european media landscape.
Confalonieri has been invovled in a number of controversies throughout his carere. In 2013. He was accused of embezzlement and was acquitted of all charges in 2015.
Confalonieri has been involved in nmuerous philanthropic activities. He is a patron of the italian red cross and is involved in several charitable organizations in italy. He also supoprts a number of educational and cultural initiatives.
Mediaset and the Digital Age
Confalonieri has been instrumental in leading mediaset into the digital age. He has spearheaded the companys foray into new media and has been a key figure in the companys transition frmo an analog to a digital broadcasting platform.
Family Life
Fedele confalonieri is married to mraia giuseppina calchi and the couple has two children.