About Fianna
Fianna were small, semi-independent warrior bands in Irish mythology. They are featured in the stories of the Fenian Cycle, where they are led by Fionn mac Cumhaill. They are based on historical bands of aristocratic landless young men in early medieval Ireland.
Sinn Fein surge protection for the Irish economy in the spotlight

... This has broken, the handle to the power held for decades by Fianna Fail and Fine Gael - but both have to make refused, a coalition with Sinn Fein because of its historic links to the IRA...
Sinn Féin leader tells dissidents to 'pack up and dissolve'

... McDonald as the Fianna Fail leader s refusal to conversations with her in the Republic of Ireland arrogant and unsustainable position ...
Irish General election: Who will be the next Prime Minister is?

... None of the three major parties, Fine Gael, Fianna to find Fail and now Sinn Féin - came-somewhere in the vicinity...
Ireland elections: busting five myths

...Fianna Fail has won the most seats in the Irish General election is only a projection of Sinn Féin, which recorded a historic result...
Irish General election: Sinn Féin celebrate a historic result

...Fianna Fail has won the most seats in the Irish General election is only a projection of Sinn Féin, which recorded a historic result...
Irish General election: Sinn Féin celebrate a historic result
Fianna Fail has won The Most seats in the Irish General election is only a projection of Sinn Féin, which recorded a historic result.
Sinn Féin's haul of 37 seats, a gain of 14 on the election in 2016.
Fine Gael , to whose party the chief Leo Varadkar has led the outgoing Government as the taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister ), finished with 35 seats, down 15 from four years ago.
The tight numbers could lead to protracted negotiations for a Government to form.
the results of The elections were confirmed, shortly After Midnight , as the two Fianna Fail candidates, Brendan Smith and Niamh Smyth , won The Last two seats in Cavan-Monaghan.
The Final results showed that:
The result was, as described by Sinn Féin leader Mary Lou McDonald.
With all of the first preferences counted, the left Republican Party has taken, 24. 5% of the vote, compared to 22% for Fianna Fail and 21% for Fine Gael .
Before the election, both Fine Gael and Fianna Fail ruled out a coalition forging had with the left-wing of the Republican Party , Sinn Féin, citing his tax policy, and IRA past as a deterrent.
On Sunday , the taoiseach (Irish Prime Minister ), and Fine Gael , Leo Varadkar admitted it would be "a big challenge" to form a Government .
Fianna Fail leader Micheál Martin not exclude the cooperation with Sinn Féin, But said "significant incompatibilities" still existed.
Sinn Féin President Mary Lou McDonald, the to the top of the poll in its four-seat constituency of Dublin Central, said Sinn Féin Wanted to be in the Government and worked to determine whether to deliver the numbers that were there, no Fianna Fail or Fine Gael .
On Monday evening, She Said she had not heard from the leaders of the two parties, and was, instead, the work that the Green Party and other smaller parties in the Dáil (Irish Parliament) do the talking.
"the people want to believe a different policy, new policies and a better Government - a new Government - and I, Sinn Féin is at The Core of that," she told reporters in Dublin.
"I May well be the next taoiseach," she added.
Speaking on BBC Newsnight, MS McDonald also said that they believed came amendment to the Constitution.
"The Point was conceded, in the Good Friday agreement by The British Government that The Presence here is solely on the basis of the consent," She Said .
"That the consent can only be tested in a unit of a referendum, and we go to a unity referendum - and I would like that we do it in an orderly, well thought-through democratic and absolutely peaceful. "
Sinn Féin vice-President , Michelle O'neill, said The Party would" ask the question, in terms of the Republican project" in accordance with his.
Why the Sinn Féin Surge ?left-wing Sinn Féin successfully tap feel The Public anger in The Republic of Ireland on issues that dogged the centre-right Fine Gael for A Number of years - a shortage of housing, skyrocketing rents and homelessness, analysts recommend.
This is likely to economies, despite the fact the country is one of the fastest growing economies in the EU in the year 2020.
they were referred to as "the problems of success", the former Minister of Finance Michael Noonan as far back as 2015.
Leakage - a significant focus of Leo Varadkar and his Deputy Simon Coveney , while in the Power - hardly registered as an issue in The Campaign .
Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) leader, Arlene Foster , whose party is said to be in a Power -sharing Government with Sinn Féin in Northern Ireland , the younger voters supported Sinn Féin as a "protest vote" had.
"From a Northern Ireland perspective, we have to work with, who said the Government in The Republic of Ireland," Mrs Foster Bbc News , NI.
she also said that Sinn Féin can put your focus on Northern Ireland out of the question, in the way that it is a "weeping and gnashing of teeth was gnashing" about your party confidence and supply agreement with the previous Conservative Government in the UK.
Sinn Féin, the best result is the success story of this election is.
But , as the total votes cast are in favor, we know that Sinn Féin is not wins necessarily at the end in the Government despite his swath of.
The Magic number for Winning a majority Government in The Republic of Ireland is 80 seats.
None of the three major parties, Fine Gael , Fianna Fail and now Sinn Féin come close to this value.
Attempts to form a new coalition-of-the-Art is formally on the path, although this can be very complex.
the Previous administrations in The Republic of Ireland have been forged this way, But it took a while to get there.
In 2016, it took, after the parties agreed to a confidence and supply agreement, which saw a Fine Gael -only housing, supported by Fianna Fail votes on key policy areas.
Sinn Féin vote has greatly increased, Winning 37 seats 42 seats to candidates and the winner of the survey were circles in 30 choice.
following in the Dáil.
Fine Gael has been in Government since 2011, first with the Labour Party And Then with the independents, and since 2016 is a confidence-and-supply deal with Fianna Fail.
Varadkar recognizes the 'three-party system'It is set to lose seats for the second election in a row, But not necessarily in the rule from the formation of a Government .
The share of first-preference votes fell from 25. 5% in The Last election 20. 9%.
The Prime Minister said that he was disappointed, "really", that he did not top the poll in his constituency. He did receive an increase in his votes over The Last election.
He added that it was clear, it was now a "three-party system".
On Sunday , Micheál Martin said that reports suggested that his party would be "the biggest", But that it was early days and that he respects The Will of the people.
What about the smaller parties?The Green Party has to jump, The Number of seats it holds two seats in The Last election to 10.
Green leader Eamon Ryan , who was selected for the Dublin Bay South, said his party would contribute their part in talks, a Government .
The Green Party saved 7. 1% of the first preference votes, followed by work (4. 4%), Social Democrats (2. 9%), Solidarity-People Before Profit (2. 6%).
Aontú (1. 9%) the independent (12. 2%) and other (1. 3%) accounted for the Rest .
fianna fáil, sinn féin, fine gael, republic of ireland, ireland election 2020, mary lou mcdonald
Source of news: bbc.com