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Foreign Influence

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Originally published 2010
Authors Brad Thor
Preceded by The Apostle
Followed by The Athena Project: A Thriller
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About Foreign Influence

Recruited as a field operative in a secret and uncompromising new spy agency, former Navy SEAL Scot Harvath investigates when a bombing in Rome kills a group of American college students, with the . . .

Meta takes down China-based network of thousands of fake accounts

Meta takes down China-based network of thousands of fake accounts
Nov 30,2023 10:41 pm

... Meta also noted that the US government stopped sharing information about Foreign Influence networks with the company in July, after a federal ruling as part of a legal case over the First Amendment that is now under consideration by the Supreme Court...

China: Human Rights Watch accuses Beijing of closing and destroying mosques

China: Human Rights Watch accuses Beijing of closing and destroying mosques
Nov 22,2023 12:51 am


Security services warn over Chinese infiltration in politics

Security services warn over Chinese infiltration in politics
Sep 13,2023 8:21 am

... One individual said that they had been warned that in some packed establishments around Westminster " you just don t know who s there" and that gossip about politicians or officials " could be valuable in a Foreign Influence operation"...

UK will not accept Chinese interference - Sunak

UK will not accept Chinese interference - Sunak
Sep 11,2023 2:01 pm

... Several MPs called for China to be classed in the " enhanced tier" of the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, introduced earlier this year...

Has the UK woken up to the China spy challenge?

Has the UK woken up to the China spy challenge?
Sep 11,2023 1:41 pm

... Another part of the act is due to set up a Foreign Influence Registration Scheme in which people will have to register if they are working on behalf of a foreign state, with the risk of prosecution if they do not...

Rivals' silence at Iowa dinner shows Trump's dominance in 2024 race

Rivals' silence at Iowa dinner shows Trump's dominance in 2024 race
Jul 29,2023 11:41 am

... He and many others in the ballroom repeated unproven allegations about Hunter s business dealings and claims of Foreign Influence (which the White House has dismissed but Republicans in Congress are investigating)...

North Korea: Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death

North Korea: Residents tell BBC of neighbours starving to death
Jun 14,2023 12:10 pm

... A former North Korean diplomat, who defected in 2019, said he was shocked by how extreme the crackdown on Foreign Influence had become...

Fugees' Pras Michel found guilty of illegal lobbying

Fugees' Pras Michel found guilty of illegal lobbying
Apr 26,2023 7:10 pm

... The Grammy-winning musician was accused of bringing " secret, illegal, Foreign Influence to bear" during the administrations of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, between 2012 and 2017...

UK will not accept Chinese interference - Sunak

Apr 13,2023 7:40 pm

By Sam FrancisPolitical reporter, Bbc News

Rishi Sunak has said he " will not accept" Chinese interference in the UK's democracy, after it emerged a parliamentary researcher was arrested amid accusations he spied for China.

In a statement to MPs, the PM said he told Chinese Premier Li Qiang at the recent G20 summit that any attempted spying " will never be tolerated".

The Met Police confirmed on Saturday that two men were arrested under the Official Secrets Act in March.

The The allegations.

The Man said in a statement he felt " forced to respond" to accusations in the media.

China has rejected the allegations of spying, with foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning calling it " malicious slander".

House of Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle has warned MPs against identifying The Man - who is not being named by The Bbc - using parliamentary privilege.

During a statement to The House of Commons on the G20 summit in India, Mr Sunak told MPs: " I have been emphatically clear in our engagement with China that we will not accept any interference in our democracy and Parliamentary System .

" We will defend our democracy and our security.

" So I was emphatic with Premier Li that actions which seek to undermine British democracy are completely unacceptable and will never be tolerated. "

Under questioning from Sir Keir Starmer , Mr Sunak said Foreign Secretary James Cleverly had also raised China's attempts to interfere with UK democracy on his recent visit to China.

Sir Keir said " incidents like this show the constant threats that we face".

'Clear eyed'

In a separate statement, Deputy Prime Minister Oliver Dowden said the government were " reviewing" increasing checks on figures working for the Chinese government in the UK.

Several MPs called for China to be classed in the " enhanced tier" of the Foreign Influence Registration Scheme, introduced earlier this year.

Adding countries to this creates additional reporting requirements for China-linked organisations.

Senior Tory backbenchers, including former prime minster Liz Truss and ex-Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith , have called for the government to officially designate China as a threat to the UK - a move So Far resisted by ministers.

Speaking in The Commons , Mr Dowden said there was a " strong case to be made" for this, but the government was " currently reviewing" which countries to add to the registration scheme.

He added that ministers were " clear eyed" about The Challenges posed by China, but added it was not realistic to " completely disengage" with the country.

News of the arrests was first reported in the Sunday Times, which said the researcher had links to several Conservative MPs, including Security Minister Tom Tugendhat and Foreign Affairs Committee chairwoman Alicia Kearns .

Mr Tugendhat is said to have had only limited contact with The Man , and no dealings with him as a minister.

The arrest of the researcher has renewed a debate among MPs about whether the UK should take a stricter approach to China.

China is the UK's fourth largest trading partner, and British ministers regularly highlight the need to work with the country on big international issues such as tackling Climate Change .

But relations have soured in recent years over a series of issues, including threats to civil liberties in the former British colony of Hong Kong and China's support for Russia during The War in Ukraine.

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