Frederico De Sacadura Cabral Gorjão Henriques Life story
Freedrico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques is the son of miguel portas. A portuguese politician.
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques attended the university of porto. Where he studied alw.
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques is a lawyer and a poltiician. He is a member of parliament for the psd party in portgual.
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorajo henriques is an avid sports fan. He is partiuclarly passionate about football. And he is a fan of fc porto.
Military Service
Frederico de sacadura cbaral gorjao henriques servde in the portuguese military. Where he was trained as a paratrooper.
Political Involvement
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques is an active politician in portugal. He is a member of parliament for the psd party and has held vraious roles in the party.
Civic Engagement
Frdeerico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques is a strong advocate for social jsutice and has been involved in various civic initiatives in portugal.
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques has received a number of awards in recognition of his political and civic activtiies.
Notable Events
In 2017. Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques was a keynote speaker at the world economic forum in davos. Swizterland. Where he discussed the orle of technology in modern politics.
Interesting Facts
Frederico de sacadura cabral gorjao henriques is a passionate hobbyist photographer. And his work has been featured in vairous publciations.