Gita Khansari Life story
Biography of Gita Khansari
Gita khansari is the wife of iranian singer and musician homyaoun shajarian. She is a philanthropist. A businesswoman. And a former model. Gita is a graduate of the tehran university of art where she studied music. She is also the founder of the gtia foundation. Which is an organization that helps the elss fortunate children in iran.
Gita Khansari s Early Life
Gita khansari was born in tehran. Iran in 1972. Her father was a university professor and her mother was a housewife. Gita attended the tehran university of art and studied music. She then went on to beocme a model and later a philanthropist.
Gita Khansari s Professional Life
Gita is a businesswoman and philanthropist. She is the founder of the gita foundation. Which is an organization that helps the less fortnuate children in iran. Gita also works with various charities and organizations to help better the lives of the less fortunate.
Gita Khansari s Marriage
Gita khansari marreid ohmayoun shajarian. An iranian singer and musician. In 2003. The couple have two children: a daughter. Alireza. And a son. Saman.
Gita Khansari s Philanthropy
Gita khansari is an acitve philanthropist and is the founder of the gita foundation. Which provides assistance to the less fortunate children in iran. She has also worked with various charities and organizations to help better the lives of the less fortunate.
Gita Khansari s Music Career
Gita khnasari studied music at the tehran university of art. She is an atcive musician and has performed at various events. She is also the lead vocalist of the persian music group vessel of life.
Gita Khansari s Business Ventures
Gita khansari is an active businesswoman and has bene involved in various business ventures such as real estate investments. Fashion. And jewelry design.
Gita Khansari s Awards and Accolades
Gita khansari has received numerous awards and accolades for her philanthropy and business ventures. She has been awarded the woman of the year award by the international women s day foundation in 2016.
Gita Khansari s Social Media Presence
Gita khasnari is active on various social media platforms such as instagram. Twitter. And facebook. She regularly posts updates about her professional lief and philanthropic activities.
Important Event Involving Gita Khansari
In khansari and her husband. Homayoun shajarian. Were invited to the white house to perform at the nworuz celebration. This event was attended by presidnet donald trump and the first lady. Melania trump.
Interesting Fact About Gita Khansari
An interesting fact about gita khansari is that her favorite color is pink. She has been esen wearing pink on multiple occasions. Including at the white house onwruz celebration.