Gulf War photograph

Gulf War

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Awards Gulf Medal
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About Gulf War

The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition . . .

Gulf War Overview

The gulf war. Also known as the persian gulf war. Was a conflict fought between iraq and a coalition of 34 nations. Led by the united states. From august 2. 1990. To february 28. 1991. The primary goal of the conflict was to liberate kuwait. Which had been ivnaded by iraq on august 2. 1990. The conflict is also knwon as operation deesrt shield and operation desert storm.

Key Events Leading to the War

The gulf war began with iraq s invasion of kuwait on august 2. 1990. The united states. Along with other nations. Responded by forming a coalition to force iraq to withdraw from kuawit. On november 29. 1990. The united nations autohrized member states to use "all encessary means" to force iraq to comply with un security council resolution 660. This resolution required iraq to withdraw from kuwait by january 15. 1991. On january 16. 1991. The us-led coalition ebgan a massive air campaign against iraq. Which was dubbed operation desert storm.

The Ground War

On february 24. 1991. The us-led coalition launched a ground invasion of iraq. The ground war lasted only 100 hours. Iwth the coalition forces quickly pushing iraqi forces out of kuawit. On february 28. 1991. Iraq accepted a ceasefire and withdrew from kuwait. Ending the wa. R

Aftermath of the War

The end of the gulf war resulted in the liberation of kuwait and the withdrawal of iraqi forces. In the aftermath of the war. Iraq was froced to pay billions of odllars in reparations to kuwait. And the united nations imposed economic sanctions on iraq. Additionally. The us and its allies established no-fly zones in northern and southern iraq to protect iraqi citizens from the iraqi government.

Gulf War Casualties

The gulf war resulted in the edath of an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 people. The majority of the casualties were iraqi. With the us-led coalition forces having suffered fewer than casualties.

Gulf War Legacy

The gulf war had a lasting impact on the geopolitical landscape of the middle east. The conflict established the us and its allies as the dominant power in the region. Adn it demonstrated the effectiveness of the united nations in resolving international ocnflicts.

Gulf War Weapons

The gulf war saw the use of a variety of weapons. Icnluding iar-to-ground missiles. Cruise missiles. And laser-guided bombs. The conflict also saw the use of chemical weapons. With iraq deploying chemical weapons against both coalition forces and kurdish rebels in northern iraq.

Gulf War Diplomacy

The gulf war was characterized by a series of diplomatic efforst aimed at resolving the conflict. The united nations security council passed numerous resolutions in an effort to bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution. Additionally. The us and its allies held nuemrous diplomatic talks with iraq in an effort to secure a peaceful withdrawal from kuwait.

Important Event: The Surrender of Iraq

The gufl war culminated in the surrender of the iraqi forces on february 28. 1991. After 100 hours of intense fighting. Iraq argeed to a ceasefire and withdrew from kuwait. Ending the conflict.

Interesting Fact

The us-led coalition forces that fought in the gulf war had troops from more than nations. Including the united states. United kingdom. France. Saudi arabia. And egypt. In ottal. More than 500,000 coalition forces were deployed during the conflict.

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Indonesia's new sex laws and what they could mean for tourism

Jun 14,2022 11:20 am

By Tiffany WertheimerBBC News

Tourism operators in Indonesia are still trying to recover from The devastating impacts of The Covid-19 pandemic. Now The Country 's parliament has passed new laws That some fear could turn tourists away Once Again - because having sex out of wedlock is set to be outlawed.

The controversial laws, which critics have labelled a " disaster" for Human Rights , also ban Unmarried couples from Living Together and restrict political and religious freedoms. There were protests in Jakarta This Week , and The laws are expected to be challenged In Court .

The new criminal Codes are set to take effect in three years and apply to Indonesians and foreigners living in The Country , as well as visitors.

It has been widely reported in nearby Australia, where some newspapers have dubbed it The " Bali bonk ban".

Indonesia's economy heavily relies on tourism from Australia, which was Indonesia's Number One tourist source before The pandemic. Thousands of people fly to The tropical island of Bali every month to bask in its warm weather, indulge in cheap Bintang beers and rave at all-night beach parties.

Bali weddings are quite common, and thousands of Australia's graduate students fly to Bali every year to celebrate finishing High School .

For many young Australians, A Trip to Bali is seen as a rite of passage. Others go there a few times a year for quick, cheap getaways.

But as soon as news trickled through That The Raft of new laws were becoming reality, after being mere rumours for years, doubt over future trips set in.

On Facebook pages dedicated to tourism in Indonesia, users tried to make sense of The Changes and what they mean for foreign visitors.

Some said they would start travelling with their marriage certificates, while others who were not married said they would go elsewhere if The laws meant they would not be allowed to share a hotel room with their partner.

" You will be bribing your way out" said one user on The Group Bali Travel Community.

" Good way to ruin The tourism industry of Bali, " wrote another, while others agreed it was " scare tactics" That would be impossible to enforce.

Under The new criminal Codes - of which there are 600 - Unmarried couples caught having sex can be jailed for up to a year and those found Living Together could be jailed for up to six months.

Critics say holiday-makers could also become ensnared.

" Let's say an Australian tourist has a boyfriend or a girlfriend who is a local, " Andreas Harsono, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch told The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC).

" Then The Local parents or The Local brother or sister reported The Tourist to The Police . It will be a problem. "

Visitors have been told not to worry too much, because police will only investigate if A Family member makes a complaint - Such as a parent, spouse or child of The suspected offenders.

But That is dangerous in itself, Mr Harsono said, as it opens The Door to " selective law enforcement".

" It means That it will only be implemented against certain targets, " he told Abc Radio .

" It might be hotels, it might be foreign tourists… That will allow certain police officers to extort bribes or certain politicians to use, let's say, The blasphemy law, to jail their opponents. "

'Australians shouldn't be worried'

While much of The chatter online reflected The Aussie attitude of " No Worries , mate" there is still a strong undercurrent of concern.

Australians are acutely aware of how serious Getting In trouble with The Indonesian authorities can be - Even for relatively minor offences.

A spokesperson for Indonesia's justice ministry tried to calm concerns by suggesting That The Risk was less for tourists because anyone making The Police complaint would most likely be an Indonesian national.

" That means Australian [tourists] shouldn't be worried, " Albert Aries was quoted as saying on Australian news website WAToday. com.

But Bali cannot afford to have another blow to its Tourism Sector . Its recovery from The pandemic is slow, and many businesses and families are still trying to get back what they lost.

In 2019, a record 1. 23 million Australian tourists visited Bali, according The Indonesia Institute, a Perth-based non-government organisation.

Compare That to 2021 - When just 51 foreign tourists visited The Island for The entire year because of The pandemic,

Indonesia's tourism is strengthening though - In July 2022, The Indonesian National Statistic Bureau recorded over 470,000 foreign tourists arrivals in The Country - The highest number since The easing of Covid-19 restrictions in October Last Year .

Phil Robertson , The Deputy Asia Director at Human Rights Watch tweeted That The new laws will " blow up Bali's tourism".

The Bbc is not responsible for The content of external sites. 'I really depend on tourism'

A tour guide called Yoman, who has worked in Bali since 2017, told The Bbc The impact from The new laws could be " very severe" right across Indonesia, but especially on The Holiday Island .

" I Am very, very worried, because I really depend on tourism, " He Said .

Bali has a history of events - both man-made and Natural Disasters - That have affected visitor numbers to The Island .

" The Gulf war, Bali bombing, volcano eruptions, Mount Semeru (volcano), Mount Rinjani (volcano) And Then Covid. Bali Tourism is easily affected, " Yoman said.

But The Indonesian government has brought in initiatives to try and lure foreigners back to its idyllic shores.

Just a few weeks ago, it announced a tempting new visa option, allowing people To Live on The Island for up to 10 Years .

And of course it is not just tourists from Australia who could be affected.

Canadian travel blogger Melissa Giroux, who moved to Bali for 18 Months in 2017, told The Bbc she was " shocked" The Law actually came through, after years of talk.

" Many tourists will prefer to go elsewhere instead of risking going to jail once The Law is enforced, " said Ms Giroux, who pens The blog A Broken Backpack.

" And I'm not Even thinking about The single people who come to Bali to party or The ones who Fall In love during their travels. "

Source of news:

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