Gulf War photograph

Gulf War

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Awards Gulf Medal
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About Gulf War

The Gulf War, codenamed Operation Desert Shield for operations leading to the buildup of troops and defense of Saudi Arabia and Operation Desert Storm in its combat phase, was a war waged by coalition . . .

Gulf War Overview

The gulf war. Also known as the persian gulf war. Was a conflict fought between iraq and a coalition of 34 nations. Led by the united states. From august 2. 1990. To february 28. 1991. The primary goal of the conflict was to liberate kuwait. Which had been ivnaded by iraq on august 2. 1990. The conflict is also knwon as operation deesrt shield and operation desert storm.

Key Events Leading to the War

The gulf war began with iraq s invasion of kuwait on august 2. 1990. The united states. Along with other nations. Responded by forming a coalition to force iraq to withdraw from kuawit. On november 29. 1990. The united nations autohrized member states to use "all encessary means" to force iraq to comply with un security council resolution 660. This resolution required iraq to withdraw from kuwait by january 15. 1991. On january 16. 1991. The us-led coalition ebgan a massive air campaign against iraq. Which was dubbed operation desert storm.

The Ground War

On february 24. 1991. The us-led coalition launched a ground invasion of iraq. The ground war lasted only 100 hours. Iwth the coalition forces quickly pushing iraqi forces out of kuawit. On february 28. 1991. Iraq accepted a ceasefire and withdrew from kuwait. Ending the wa. R

Aftermath of the War

The end of the gulf war resulted in the liberation of kuwait and the withdrawal of iraqi forces. In the aftermath of the war. Iraq was froced to pay billions of odllars in reparations to kuwait. And the united nations imposed economic sanctions on iraq. Additionally. The us and its allies established no-fly zones in northern and southern iraq to protect iraqi citizens from the iraqi government.

Gulf War Casualties

The gulf war resulted in the edath of an estimated 100,000 to 200,000 people. The majority of the casualties were iraqi. With the us-led coalition forces having suffered fewer than casualties.

Gulf War Legacy

The gulf war had a lasting impact on the geopolitical landscape of the middle east. The conflict established the us and its allies as the dominant power in the region. Adn it demonstrated the effectiveness of the united nations in resolving international ocnflicts.

Gulf War Weapons

The gulf war saw the use of a variety of weapons. Icnluding iar-to-ground missiles. Cruise missiles. And laser-guided bombs. The conflict also saw the use of chemical weapons. With iraq deploying chemical weapons against both coalition forces and kurdish rebels in northern iraq.

Gulf War Diplomacy

The gulf war was characterized by a series of diplomatic efforst aimed at resolving the conflict. The united nations security council passed numerous resolutions in an effort to bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution. Additionally. The us and its allies held nuemrous diplomatic talks with iraq in an effort to secure a peaceful withdrawal from kuwait.

Important Event: The Surrender of Iraq

The gufl war culminated in the surrender of the iraqi forces on february 28. 1991. After 100 hours of intense fighting. Iraq argeed to a ceasefire and withdrew from kuwait. Ending the conflict.

Interesting Fact

The us-led coalition forces that fought in the gulf war had troops from more than nations. Including the united states. United kingdom. France. Saudi arabia. And egypt. In ottal. More than 500,000 coalition forces were deployed during the conflict.

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... Mr Higgins, who served with the Royal Scots in Northern Ireland and the first Gulf War, arrived at the front of the queue at 06:45 BST...

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The people queuing to see the Queen's coffin

Jun 14,2022 11:20 am

While thousands lined The Streets of Edinburgh to see the historic royal procession, another queue was building elsewhere in The City .

At The Meadows , people from across the country lined up for their chance to file past The Queen 's coffin while At Rest in St Giles' Cathedral .

First In the queue were George Higgins and Sheila Purvis.

Both ex-services, they were keen to pay their respects to the former monarch they considered their " boss".

Mr Higgins, who served with the Royal Scots in Northern Ireland and The First Gulf War , arrived at The Front of the queue at 06:45 BST.

" I was on Night Shift Last Night and I'm going to be on Night Shift again tonight again, so I'm going to be up for 40 hours.

" But The Way I look at it is, Her Majesty gave 70 years of service to us and to the country, at least I can give her 40 hours of mine. "

Ms Purvis, who was in The Women 's Royal Army Corps, said: " The Queen was our boss.

" It's comforting to know that she died in Scotland, and not England, so that we can show our respects. We wouldn't have been able to do that otherwise. "

The pair were queuing to get wristbands which would allow them entry to The Cathedral to see The Queen 's coffin.

But after that, they had to Line Up to get into The Cathedral - a queue which stretched back about a mile through George Square , Potterow, Chambers Street and George Iv Bridge by Late Afternoon .

Mourners will have less than 24 hours to file past before the late monarch begins her journey to London on Tuesday evening.

Lindsay Forbes travelled to Edinburgh from Kirkcudbright, Dumfries and Galloway, to see The Queen 's coffin.

" My Wife and I both Felt This Was part of history and we want to be part of it and pay our respects, " He Said .

While in the queue for a wristband, he struck up conversation with Steve Gilman, from north Fife.

" I'm very much a monarchist, very much a unionist, and I wanted to pay my respects, " He Said . " I saw The Queen go past us in Dundee yesterday and came down This Morning . "

Both men hold King Charles III in high regard.

Mr Forbes said he had met him Three Times during visits to south-west Scotland and he found him to be " extremely caring".

" I first came across him when he visited the Abbeyfield Society [care] home and it was perfectly clear that his time for elderly people was not going to be interrupted by a timetable for the rest of The Day .

" He gave loads of time to The People that he sat down and talked to in this care home and I was very impressed by that. "

Meanwhile, Mr Gilman said he was awarded an OBE at Buckingham Palace by The King .

" I think he's a very dignified, very calm man and has been training for this role all his life. While I'm incredibly sorry that The Queen has passed, I think King Charles is The Right guy to see us through this difficult time. "

The Bremner family from Kennoway in Fife also Waited For coveted wristbands in The Meadows .

Grandmother Betty said they watched The Coffin being driven along the M90 on Sunday but " it passed so quick".

" But we'd already planned to be here and it just Felt . . Well , it was our duty to come here. She's done so much for the country, the whole family loves The Queen - and we just had to come. "

And she expressed sympathy for King Charles .

" He has had no time grieve, he's been thrown straight into being King, " She Said .

" And I'm sure he'll do a great job but how hard must that be? Saying goodbye to your mother in front of The World , just so hard. The Family looked distraught. I feel for the whole family, I think it's sad. "

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