About Gunshot
A gunshot is a single discharge of a gun, typically a man-portable firearm, producing a visible flash, a powerful and loud shockwave and often chemical gunshot residue. The term can also refer to a ballistic wound caused by such a discharge. Multiple discharges of one or more firearms are referred to as gunfire.
How suicide became the hidden toll of the war in Ukraine

Feb 10,2022 5:21 am
... But as Father Dmitriev was finishing his joke, the calm was broken by a Gunshot - too loud and too close to be a bullet whistling over from the separatist side of the lines...
Inside the controversial US gunshot-detection firm

Oct 29,2021 5:07 am
... They make the final decision on whether a computer algorithm has correctly identified a Gunshot - and whether to dispatch the police...
Swindon shooting: man shot stolen in the leg by the police after the truck

Jun 17,2020 12:25 am