About Human Biology
Human biology is an interdisciplinary area of study that examines humans through the influences and interplay of many diverse fields such as genetics, evolution, physiology, anatomy, epidemiology, anthropology, ecology, nutrition, population genetics, and sociocultural influences.
I sat my Higher in Turkey, then set a British record

... " Sam s hard work paid off because after leaving his training camp in Turkey he went on to set a new British record in the 200m backstroke for his category, picking up a Bronze medal at the IDM World Swimming Championships in Berlin, before coming back to Scotland to sit his Higher Human Biology exam the next day...
Orca mothers keep 5-tonne sons out of trouble

... Ceasing reproduction - or menopause, as it s referred to in Human Biology - is very unusual in the animal kingdom...
Taurine may extend life and health, scientists find

... Differences in Human Biology may stop taurine from working or there may be some evolutionary reason why levels are meant to fall with age...
Weight-loss: Are injections the answer to tackling obesity?

... Cheap calories have " fed into Human Biology of being tempted by food and overeating" he says...
Huge plan to map the DNA of all life in British Isles

... Mark Blaxter, who leads the Tree of Life project, says: " When the human genome was sequenced, it changed the way we do Human Biology forever...