About Human Evolution
Human evolution is the evolutionary process that led to the emergence of anatomically modern humans, beginning with the evolutionary history of primates—in particular genus Homo—and leading to the emergence of Homo sapiens as a distinct species of the hominid family, the great apes.
Black Death 700 years ago affects your health now

... Researchers suspected an event of such enormity must have shaped Human Evolution...
Three scientists win Nobel for 'click' chemistry

... On Monday, the committee gave the Physiology or Medicine prize to Svante Paabo for work on Human Evolution...
Nobel Prize goes to Neanderthal DNA research

...The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has gone to Sweden s Svante Paabo for his work on Human Evolution...
Richard Leakey: Kenyan conservationist dies aged 77

... Leakey followed in his parents footsteps in paleoanthropology - the practice of seeking to understand Human Evolution by studying fossils and ancient tools...
Homo erectus: Ancient humans survived longer than we thought

... Prof Chris Stringer, research leader on Human Evolution at London s Natural History Museum, who was not involved with the work, commented: This is a very comprehensive study of the depositional context of the famous Ngandong Homo erectus partial skulls and shin bones, and the authors build a strong case that these individuals died and were washed into the deposits of the Solo River about 112,000 years ago...
Secrets of the largest ape that ever lived

... Artist reconstruction of the ape Human Evolution hopesThe research, reported in Nature, is based on comparing the ancient protein sequence of the tooth of the extinct ape, believed to be a female, with apes alive today...
Babies in the womb have lizard-like hand muscles

... Dr Sergio Almécija, an anthropologist who studies ape and Human Evolution, at the American Museum of Natural History, said the findings provided a deeper appreciation of human development but raised many questions...
Giving birth two million years ago was 'relatively easy'

... Reconstructing birth in Australopithecus sediba It s not the case, though, that birth became progressively more difficult during the course of Human Evolution...