About Humidity
Humidity is the concentration of water vapour present in air. Water vapour, the gaseous state of water, is generally invisible to the human eye. Humidity indicates the likelihood for precipitation, dew, or fog to be present.
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... Heat increases moisture in the air and " the sweat on your skin simply can t evaporate [and take the heat away] in the Humidity, " said Winston Chow, an associate professor of Urban Climate at Singapore Management University...
Heatwave: How to keep your home cool

... can also be brought on by high Humidity - moisture in the air - so: 6...
Rain: The science behind the sweet smell of a summer shower

... Sometimes it can be detected before rain arrives - Humidity rises, moistening the soil and more geosmin is formed...
Heatwave: How to keep your home cool
There are extreme temperatures across most of The UK.
Much of The - so how Can they be kept cool?
1. Let in Cool AirUK homes are designed to keep in warm Air .
To Let in as much Cold Air as possible, open The windows overnight or, if concerned about safety, for a couple of hours in The early morning or before bed, when The Air temperature is lowest.
2. Encourage airflowOpen windows on opposite sides of The home, To Let Hot Air out and cold in - and any loft windows, as Hot Air rises.
In flats, which may have windows one side only, open The front-door and use a fan to encourage airflow.
3. Keep out Hot Air and direct sunlightBefore temperatures rise, close all windows, external doors, blinds and curtains.
Dr Anna Mavrogianni, who researches sustainable building and urban design at University College London, also advises moving away from windows to avoid direct Heat .
4. Use a fanUnlike in countries with frequent high temperatures, most UK homes have no Air -conditioning.
To push Cool Air around The home, place a bowl of ice in front of an electric fan.
5. Limit hot activitiesAvoid cooking for long periods and running electrical appliances that generate Heat .
Can also be brought on by high Humidity - moisture in The Air - so:
6. Find an alternative spaceOffice buildings or public areas such as sports centres or libraries may be cooler.
Local authorities have identified spaces where The Public Can Keep Cool .
The Mayor of London's office, for example,
How are you coping with The hot weather? Email .
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Source of news: bbc.com