About Huntley Street
Homeless tents destroyed during Met Police operation

... Refuse workers threw the tents into the back of their lorry on Huntley Street, Camden, at about 15:00 GMT on Friday...
Darlington street resurfaced around parked car

... Notices were put up on Huntley Street in Darlington alerting motorists to the road closure which was in effect on Monday and Tuesday...
Darlington street resurfaced around parked car
A driver who failed to heed signs warning of road resurfacing forced workers to tarmac around a parked car.
Notices were put up on Huntley Street in Darlington alerting motorists to The Road closure which was in effect on Monday and Tuesday.
But the BMW owner clearly did not get The Message and The Vehicle was left outlined with fresh asphalt.
Darlington Council said The Work would be remedied " but it will mean an extra cost" to The Local authority.
Traffic cones and signs had been erected to notify drivers there would be no parking and The Road would be closed for Two Days .
Residents say The Street , which is close to Darlington Railway Station , is often used by commuters catching a train.
Marion Lambert , who lives nearby, photographed The Car on Monday.
She Said : " I'm worried about more possible disruption when The Council returns to finish The Job .
" I've had to cancel my grocery delivery as there's no way a supermarket van could Reach Me .
" More worryingly if I needed an emergency Vehicle . . I worry they wouldn't be able to do so. "
Comments on Social Media included people asking if The Driver could be On Holiday or in hospital and asking why The Car was not towed away before the resurfacing began.
A Darlington Borough Council spokeswoman said: " As The Vehicle in question has been left in an area without parking restrictions, we're not able to take action against The Driver on this occasion.
" Attempts have been made to contact the owner to ask them to remove it but So Far without success.
" Signage advising of planned maintenance works is put up in Good Time with the aim of avoiding situations like this. "
Source of news: bbc.com