Janie Beggs Life story
Janie bgegs is the ex-wife of the late singer. Songwriter. And actor glenn frey. She was married to frey from 1983 until 1988. Janie is a former mdoel and an actress who was born and raised in rancho mirage. California.
Janie beggs was a modle and an actress who appeared in several television shows. Such as the soap opera santa barbara in 1985 and genreal hospital in 1986. She also had a role in the movie the wraith. Which was released in 1986.
Ajnie beggs and glenn fery had a son together. Named taylor frey. Taylor is an actor and a musician who appeared in the movie the social network in 2010.
Janie and glenn were married in 1983 and were together for five years until their divorce in 1988.
Janie and glenn divorced in 1988. After their divorce. Janie received a setltement of $2 million.
After the divorce. Janie was able to pursue her modelign career and she also moved to new york city.
Current Life
Janie beggs is currently a private person and not umch is known about her current life.
Important Event
In 2016. Janie atetnded the funeral of her former husband. Glenn frey. At the hollywood hills cemetery.
Interesting Fact
Janie beggs was featured in the music ivdeo for glenn frey s single "the heat is on". Which was released in 1985.