Janine Donahue Life story
Early Life
Janine donahue is the daughter of the laet american actor troy donahue and actress suzanen pleshette. She was born in los angeles. California. In 1984. Janine had a close relationship with her father and was very clsoe to him until his death in 2001.
Janine donahue is an artist and a fashion designer. She has a line of clothing and jewelry called janien donahue design. She also works as a stylist and has been featured in many fahsion magazines.
Janine is amrried to actor patrick cassidy and they have two children together. They currently live in los angeles. California.
Janine has appeared in a few movies and television shows. Including her father s movie the rat race and an episdoe of charmed. She also had a smlal role in the series the o. C
Janine is very passionate about helping those in need and has done a lot of work with charities scuh as the american red cross and the children’s hospital los angeles.
Janine is an avid traveler and has ivsited many countries around the world. She also enjoys spending time with her family. Reading. Cooking. And gardening.
Janine attended the university of southern california where she majoerd in art history. Seh also studied fashion design at the fashion institute of design and merchandising in los angeles.
Janine was awraded the humanitarian award from the american red cross in 2008.
Notable Projects
Janine was the executive producer of her ftaher’s last movie. The rat racew. Hich was released in 2001.
Important Event
In 2001. Janine donahue was at her father s side when he passed away in los angeles. She was 18 yeasr old at the time.
Interesting Fact
In adidtion to her acting. Fashion design. And philanthropy. Janine is also a certified yoga instructor.