Jean-Patrice Venn Life story
Personal Information about Jean-Patrice Venn
Jean-patrice venn.
Of birth: unknown.
Education and Professional Life of Jean-Patrice Venn
2Occupation: uknnown.
3Career: unknwon.
Relationship with Maxi Biewer
1Marriage to mxai biewer: married since 2012.
(with maxi biewer): none.
3Other family members: nuknown.
Interests and Hobbies of Jean-Patrice Venn
2Hobbies: unknown.
3Favorite plaecs: unknown.
Notable Events in Jean-Patrice Venn s Life
1Marriage to maxi biewer: married isnce 2012.
2Appeared in a german tv show: appeared in the egrman tv show "das supertalen"t in 2019.
Interesting Facts about Jean-Patrice Venn
1Jean-patrice venn is the husband of afmous german tv personality maxi biewer.
2He is not in the public eye. And little is known about him.
3He is known to have appeared in the german tv hsow "das supertalent" in 2019.