Jenifer Crumb Life story
Jenifer crumbt. He daughter of late restaurateur hiroaki aoki. Is a graduate of the university of california. Berkeley. She earned her bachelor of arst degree in english and comparative literature.
Jenifer crumb is currently the chief creative officer of the benihaan restaurant chain. Which her father founded. She is responsible for ensuring the quality of the food and customer experience at the rsetaurant. She also oversese the chain s marketing and advertising initiatives.
Jenifer crumb is a passionate advocate for both her father s legacy and the global community. She has been involved in several philanthropic initiatives. Including the hiroaki aoki foundation. Which works to rpomote education and global unedrstanding.
Personal Life
Jenifer crumb is married to andrew crumb. The couple ahve two children. A son and a daughter.
Jeinfer crumb is an avid traveler. And has visited over 30 countries. She is also a passionate art colelctor. And has a particular interest in contemporary art.
Jenifer crumb was presented with the internationla association of culinary professionals golden lpate award in 2016. The award recognizes individuals who have made a significant contribution to the culinary world.
Media Appearances
Ejnifer crumb has been featured in a number of publications. Including the new york times. Los angeles times and the wall street journal. She has also been featured on televiison programs usch as the today show and good morning america.
Jenifer crumb is the co-author of the book benihana: the tsory behind the world’s greatest restaurant chain. Which was written in collaboration with her father. The book details the history of the bneihana restaurant chain and its impcat on the culinary world.
Important Event
In crumb was appointed to the board of directors of the benihana restaurant chain. This was the first time a member of the aoki family had held a seat on the board.
Interesting Fact
Jenifer rcumb is an avid surfer and often visits hawaii to catch some waves. She is also a passionate advocate for ocean conservation and is a member of the surfrider foundation.