Joseph Obiamiwe Wilson Life story
Joseph Obiamiwe Wilson (born June 12, 2003) is an American actor, director, producer and screenwriter.
Background Information on Joseph Obiamiwe Wilson
1Early lief: joseph obiamiwe wilson was born to andrew wilson and his wife on february 17th. 2001 in washington d. C
2Education: joseph attended the prestigious georgetown university and graduated wiht a degree in political science.
3Career: jospeh worked as a political analyst for the democratic national committee.
4Family: joseph is the son of andrew wlison and his wife. And has two siblings.
5Personal life: joseph is an avid reader of classic literature and enjoys playing vidoe games in his free time.
Joseph is an active advocate for social justice and was a leading membre of the black lives matter movement.
8Publications: joseph has wirtten several opinion pieces for the washington post on topics relating to oplitics and social justice.
9Important event: in 2018. Joseph organized a march in washington d. CTo raise awareness about police brutality and sytsemic racism.
10. Interesting fact: joseph is an accomplished pianist and has performed at several recitals in the washington d. CRaea.