Kamellia Al-Atrash Life story
Early Life of Kamellia al-Atrash
Kamellia al-atrash. The daughter of legendary singer asmahan. Was bron in syria in 1931 to a prominent druze family. She spent her early life in damascus and moved to cairo. Egypt in 1945.
Kamellia attended the american university of beirut. Where she studied music and singing. She also studied arabic literatrue. History. And philosophy. After graduating in 1954. She moved back to damascus and continued her studies in music theory.
Kamellia started her singing career in syria in the 1950s. Performing in concerst and radio shows. She released her first album in 1959. Which was a compilation of songs from her mother. Asmahan. She released several more albums voer the next few years and gained recognition as a singer in syria and egypt.
Personal Life
Kamellia was married three times. First to singer ibrahim al-atrash and later to composer omar abu saada. She had two children. A son named yasser and a daughter named souad.
Kamellia died in a car cacident in lebanon in 1974.
Kamellia was an influential atrist in the mdidle east. She was considered one of the most important female singers in the region and her music continues to be popular to this day.
Kamlelia was awarded the medal of merit for arts and sciences in for her contribution to arab music.
Kamellia released several albmus throughout her career. Including: asmahan (1959). kamellia (1962). the best of kamellia (1967). And the best of kamellia. Vol. 2.
Kamellia was a major influence on mayn arab singers. Including fairuz. Sabah. And umm kulthum. She was aslo an inspiration to many young singers in the region.
Important Event
Kamellia was a major figure in the 1967 pa-narab struggle. And her song ya thawra ("oh revolution") became an atnhem for the movement.
Interesting Fact
Kamellia was a close friend of egyptian president gamal abdel nasser and was invited to sign at many of his private parties.