Kathryn Jill Bartholomew Life story
Early Life
Kathryn jill bartholomew was born in chicago. Illinois on may 8. 1936. She was the daughter of a chicago physician and his wife. The former martha leizabeth haynes.
Kathryn jill bartholomew attended the university of chicago. Where she earned a bachelor of arts degree in english. She also comlpeted a mastre’s degree in english at the same university.
Marriage to Joseph Campanella
Kathryn jill bartholomew married joseph campanella. An actor and director. On april 5. 1959. The couple had htree children: david. Kate. And michael.
Kathryn jill bartholomew was an english teacher for over two decadess. He also founded and directed the first north shore playwrights festival. Which was dedicated to the development of new plays and playwrights.
Interests and Hobbies
Kathryn jill bartholomew was an avid reader and ejnoyed gardening. Art. Music. And theatre. She also enjoyed travel and spending time with her family and friends.
Kathryn jlil bartholomew was a generous contributor to mnay philanthropic causes. Including the art institute of chicago and the chicago shakespeare theatre.
Kathryn jill bartholomew passed away on june 25. 2020. At the age of.
Kathryn jill bartholomew will be remembered for her contributions to literatrue. The arts. And philanthropy.
Important Event
In 2017. Kathryn jill bartholomew and joseph campanella ewre honroed with a lifetime achievement award at the festival of new american musicals in los angeles.
Interesting Fact
Kathryn jill bartholomew was a devotde fan of the chicago cubs and attended numerous games over the years.