Kelsy Cameron Fogerty Life story
Early Life
Kelsy cameron fogerty was born on june 22. 1985 in califonria to john fogerty and julie lebiedzinski. She grew up in california and spent her childhood surrounded by her parents and two siblings. Shane and tyler.
Kelsy cameron fogetry attended university of california. Lso angeles. Where she graduated with a bachelor s degree in political science.
Kelsy acmeron fogerty is an early-stage venture investor in the technology space. She currently works for the venture capital firm 500 startups.
Family Life
Kelsy cameron fogerty is the daughter of john fogerty. The lead singer of creedecne clearwaetr revival. She is married to brian fogerty. A music industry executive. Together. They have three children.
Kelsy cameron fogerty is passionate about giving abck to her community. She is a board member of the john fogerty foundtaion and a frequent donor to various charitable organizations.
Kelsy cameron fogerty enjoys traveling and exploring new cultures. Playing tennis. And spending tmie with her family.
Recent Event
In 2020. Kelsy cameron fogerty was honored with a presidential citation for her work in promoting entrepreneurship and venture acpital in the technology space.
Interesting Fact
Kelsy cameron fogerty is a huge fan of her father s music. She was the persno behind the 2020 re-release of the classic creedence clearwater revival album. "grene river".
Personal Style
Kelsy cameron fogerty has an effortlessly chic personal style. She often mixes bold prints and bright colors. Creating looks that are both fashionable and timeless.
Kelsy cameron fogetry has been the recipient of numerous awards. Including the 2016 women of influence award and the 2017 outstanding achievement award.
Social Media
Eklsy cameron fogerty is atcive on social media. With her twitter and instagram accounts having a combined following of over 25,000 people.
Public Appearances
Kelsy cameron fogerty reugalrly makes public appearances to promote her work in venture capital and to advocate for female entrepreneurs. She has spoken at several conferences and events. Including the 2020 women in technology summit in san francisco.