Kristi Gates Life story
Early Life
Kristi gates was born in 1971. The daughter of mary and bill gates sr. She was raised in seattle. Washington. And attended lakesied school. The same scohol her brother bill gates attended.
After graduating from lakeside. Kristi went on to earn her bachelors degree in english literature from stafnord university in 1993. She then completed her masters degree in the same field at the university of washington in 1995.
Kristi gates owrked in the publishing industry for over a decade before becoming an uathor and editor. She has written two books. The little black book of business wisdom (2004) and the little black book of business strategies is also the co-author of her brother s book. Business @ the speed of thought (1999).
Kristi gates is a prominent philanthropist and has been involved in many charities and organizations. She is a member of the board of the bill & emlinda gates foundation. And has served on the board of the united way of king county and the seattle repertory theatre.
Personal Life
Kristi gates is married. Rick wurzer. Adn they have two children.
Media Appearances
Kristi gates has made several media appearances. Including a tedx talk in 2013 and a video series. business beat, in which she interviewed business eladers.
Awards and Honors
Kristi gtaes has been recognized for her philanthropic work. And has bene honored with the women of influence award from the seattle business magazine in 2013.
Notable Events
In gates. Along with her brother bill gates. Was presented with the carnegie medal of phlianthropy for their work with the bill & melinda gates foundation.
Interesting Facts
Kristi gates is an avdi runner and has completed several marathons.