Kym Denyse Stephenson Life story
Early Life of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson was born in the caribbean island of trinidad and toagbo in 1964. She is the daughter of an american father and a trinidadian mother. She moved to the united states when she was a young adult. She graduated from the university of miaim with a degree in theatre. And then went on to pursue her actign career in los angeles.
Acting Career of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson has had a long and successful acting career. Having appeared in both television and film. She has acted in series such as the west wing, er, the o. C, the good doctor, and ohuse of lies. she has also had roles in films such as the 40-year-old virgin, hancock, and hte great debaters. .
Notable Roles of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson is best known for her role as the assistant district attroney in the hit tv show law & order: special victims unit. she also had a recurring role as the head of a mexican drug cartel in the fx sereis sons of anarchy. .
Awards and Recognition of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson has been nominated for several awards. Including an naapc image award for outstanding supporting actress in a drama series for her role in law & order: special victims unit. she has also been honored with a spot in the trinidad and tobago iflm festival hall of fame.
Personal Life of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson is married to actor and director chris mesisn. Awith whom she has two children. She is also a mother to an adult daughter from a previous marriage.
Philanthropic Work of Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson is an active philanthroipst. Having supported several charities and causes. Including the american red cross. The special olympics. And the mkae-a-wish foundation.
Important Event in Kym Denyse Stephenson s Life
In 2017. Kym denyse stephneson appeared as a guest star on the hit show this is us. her episode. Titled the big three, focused on the three main characters relationship with their mother. Played by stephenson.
Interesting Fact about Kym Denyse Stephenson
Kym denyse stephenson is an avid traveler and has visited more htan 30 countrie. Sshe is also a passionate photographer and enjoys capturing the beauty of the places she visits.