About Lost Generation
The Lost Generation is the generation that came of age during World War I. "Lost" in this context also means "disoriented, wandering, directionless"—a recognition that there was great confusion and aimlessness among the war's survivors in the early post-war years. "
Plans for a national tutoring program will be presented

... Lost Generation It is expected that this will be rolled into a national tutoring service, but it is not known how many students are supported, or how much is invested...
Summer catch-up plan for England's schools says

... back concerns have been raised about the potential for a Lost Generation of learners whose education has been interrupted for at least six months, if the schools are to do as you planned, in September...
Headlines: 'The lost generation' and 'the fall of the past

... The Lost Generation is the headline in the Daily Mirror, as the government explains, in chaos over its plans for the schools...
Headlines: 'The lost generation' and 'the fall of the past"
Several of Wednesday's Front Pages focus on the government's announcement that the plans for all classes in England, the return of fall before the summer break. Education Secretary Gavin Williamson has said he wants all children accused of Back To school in September, but the I newspaper, he reports, was "asleep on The Job ". The Daily Telegraph claims school children under 15 years of age are more likely to be struck by lightning than to die from coronavirus, relying on the analysis of the of the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. It says, scientists have called for a "rational debate" on the Basis of the "small" risk for the children, in the midst of pressure on the government to have the students back in the class room as quickly as possible. The Paper also marks The Duke of Edinburgh ' s 99. Birthday with a new portrait of him and The Queen . The "Lost Generation " is the headline in the Daily Mirror , as the government explains, "in chaos" over its plans for the schools. The Paper also pictures of a Black Lives matter protest in Oxford on Tuesday, where protesters demanded the removal of the statue of the imperialist Cecil Rhodes . Anti-racism protests continue in the UK after the death of George Floyd in the United States . The U-Bahn, says critics have warned that A Generation of children will be "Left Behind ", due to the plans for the schools. He adds that the work has been treated expressed "deep dismay", as the plans for bringing back students. Meanwhile, The Guardian says a group of MPs are calling for an urgent plan to all pupils in the school back in England by September, including the support staff, the seizure of public buildings, and extra help for disadvantaged students. In the newspaper pictures of Mr. Floyd's sisters, Zsa Zsa and LaTonya Floyd, during his funeral in Houston, Texas, on Tuesday, in addition to the claims of The Father of Stephen Lawrence , the British police is still institutionally racist. The Daily Mail splashes with a full-page image in the removal of a statue of the well-known slaveholder Robert Milligan from outside The Museum of London Docklands on Tuesday. The newspaper says it marks The Explosion of a "Cultural Revolution ," as the councils in the UK have announced that they will check, public buildings, to ensure they are "appropriate". The Times adds that dozens of statues of slave-traders could now be pulled down, with 130 Labour councils say they are working with the municipalities to assess the monuments in their areas of England and Wales. He adds that the leader of Oxford City Council, has written "remove load" of the University of Oxford, a statue of the imperialist Cecil Rhodes . Elsewhere, the Daily Express warns that 10 million people could be on NHS waiting lists until The End of 2020 due to delays caused by Corona Virus. Nhs Confederation projections show that The Combination of social distancing, the challenges around staffing and a backlog of treatments means that The List is expected to from the 4. 2 million currently to about 10 million by Christmas. The Financial Times leads with A Warning by Vodafone, the UK's hopes of leading The World would be treated in 5G technology a "terminal " blow" if the government removed Huawei from the country, the Telecom infrastructure. It could come under a security review, the British government banned the use of Chinese telecoms company's devices. And the Daily Star reports, Little Britain has popped removed from Bbc Iplayer , Netflix and BritBox as an objection of some of the sketch-show Characters .
Source of news: bbc.com