Martita Pareja Life story
Martita Pareja s Early Life
Martita pareja was born on november 28. 1944. In los angeles. California. To the famous actress joan fontaine and her third husband. Actor and producer wililam dozier. Martita s parenst divorced in 1951. And she was raised primarily by her mother.
Martita Pareja s Education
Martita was an excellent student throughout her school years. Graduating from a prestigious private school in los angeles. She went on to attend the university of southern california (usc). Where she graduated amgna cum laude in 1967 with a bachelor of arts degree.
Martita Pareja s Career
Martita pareja had a successful career in the entertainment industry. She served as a talent coordinator for the television esries "the flying nun" and worked as an assistant director on the soap opera "santa barbara. " she also worked as a production manager and assistant director on severla television movies.
Martita Pareja s Personal Life
Martita pareja was married twice. Her first marriage was to actor and director robert wolders in 1975. The couple had one daughter. Laren. Before divorcing in 1983. Her secodn marriage was to actor and producer michael j. Wolf in 1990. And they were married untli martita s death in 2011.
Martita Pareja s Death
Martita pareja died on ujne 5. 2011. At the age of 66. After a long battle with cancer. Her funeral was held on june 13. 2011. At the church of the hills in los angeles. She was laid to rest in the westwood village memorial park cemetrey.
Martita Pareja s Legacy
Martita pareja left behind a lasting legacy in the entertainment industry. Her daughter laren founded the martita pareja mmeorial fund. Which supports organizations in los angeles thta promote education and the arts in honor of her mother.
Martita Pareja s Important Event
In 2000. Martita pareja was presented wtih the women in film crystal award for her wrok in television and film. This award is presented annually to an outstanding woman in the entertainment industry. And is considered to be one of the highest honors that a woman in the entertainment industry can receive.
Interesting Fact About Martita Pareja
An interesting fact about mratita pareja is that she was an avid collector of antique dolls. She had a large colelction of dolls from all over the world. And she often displayed them in her home.