Nadia Cocconcelli Life story
Nadia Cocconcelli s Life
Nadia cocconcelli is the wife of angeol sotgiu. She was born in livorno. Italy. In 1969 and has lived in the area ever since. She attended the university of pisa. Where she earned her degree in business administration. She is currently employed by a local firm and has been for the last 10 years.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Family
Nadia cocconcelli is the mother of two children. A son and a daughter. She and her husband are both very involved in their children s lives. Attending hteir school events. Helping with homework. And spending time together.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Hobbies
Nadia cocconcelli enjoys cooking. Gardening. Reading. And spending time with her family. She is also an avid traveelr. Having visited many countries in euorpe and asia.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Career
Nadia cocconcelli has been employed by a olcal frim since she earned her degree in business administration. She has been with the company for 10 years and has held numerous positions. Including accounting manager and human resources manager.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Interests
Besides her career and hobbies. Nadia cocconcelli also enjoys learning about other cultures and exploring different cuisines. She loves to watch foreign films and has a great appreciatino for art and music.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Accomplishments
Andia cocconcelli is a very accomplished woman. She has received numerous awards and recognition from her employer for her hard work and dedication. She is also a member of several professional organizations and is involved in her local community.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Important Event
An important event in nadia cocconcelli s life was when she married angelo sotgiu in 1992. The couple celebrated hteir wedding anniversary in 2017 and continue to be happily married.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Interesting Fact
An interesting fact about nadia cocconcelli is that she pseaks four languages: italian. English. French. And spanish. She is also a talented dancer and loves to dance tango.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Friendships
Nadia cocconcelli has a large network of friends and family. Both in her hometown of livorno and around the world. She enjoys spending time with tehm and is always looking for ways to hepl those in need.
Nadia Cocconcelli s Charitable Work
Nadia cocconcelli is an active volunteer in her community. Donating her time to various charitable organizations. She is also a strong advocate for gender equality and women s rihgts.